Cocktails and Crafts

Inspired by a local blogger’s Cocktails and Crafts parties, my friend and I decided to see if we could get a group going as well. Tonight was our inaugural party.


I was thinking about making ghost feet pictures (like this), but the idea of eight little kids with painted feet running lose in my house didn’t sound appealing. The paint would be washable, of course, but it still sounded risky. Instead we made two tissue paper crafts.

ghosts and pumpkins

Ghosts and pumpkins

We had lots of fun, including mummy pizzas and warm apple cider (with a little something extra in it for the grownups) and oatmeal cookies.

party food

Eve and I practiced making these crafts earlier in the week, so when it came time tonight she was happy to lead the effort. She helped dole out the supplies and did her best to explain the directions. Most of the kids participated, but a few couldn’t tear themselves away from the vast array of trucks in our living room.

party crafts

In the end my living room was a disaster, the kids were exhausted, and we were all excited to do it again next month! At someone else’s house! :) We had a really fun group tonight and we have the November party on the calendar, so I hope we can make this a regular thing.


Chaos, in a good way :)

Linked up to the Happiness Is… blog hop at Rub Some Dirt On It

Halloween 2010 – Part 2

Halloween Day.  Finally :) But first, one more picture from last night.


Alan in his costume :)

This morning was nice and quiet. I didn’t get the paper read, but I did get to sleep until 8am! That’s a good trade, in my opinion! :) Then we hung out, played outside for awhile with the neighbors, had lunch and naps. Then off to the local mall for trick-or-treating. We met another family there. Superman is Lex’s friend from school. They are so cute together :)

Eve in a mask

This is just a cool picture, lighting wise. She is wearing a dinosaur mask that Lex got from the birthday party yesterday.

Chalk drawing

It's never too cold for sidewalk chalk!


Superheros ready to fight crime and get candy. (I'm pretty sure Lex only put on his costume because his friend was waiting for him. Yay for friends!)

trick or treating at the mall

Trick-or-treating at the mall. They both said trick-or-treat and thank you :)

Scary hand

This bowl was great. The hand moved when you reached in for candy. Lex watched his friend get some candy, then Eve, then a few other kids, then Lex decided he didn't want any of that candy anyway :)

Two superheros

I tried over and over to get a good picture of the two of them, and this was all I got. Kind of a good picture. They look serious anyway!

Mommy and Eve

A witch and her black cat. Meow! (we are friendly, of course, not evil)

group shot

We tried to get a group shot. Right at the end we managed to get the four of them together, but only for the briefest of seconds. The lady bug is Superman's baby sister. They came over for a playdate last week and the kids all loved her. :)

Back to the house for awhile, had some dinner, then redressed for some chilly evening trick-or-treating. Mandy and Rachel and Grampy Don came along, while Alan stayed home scaring children who stopped at our house. This year we did our whole street AND a few houses on another street. A first for us! The kids were thrilled and lucky to have the Aunties along (Mandy and Rachel, can I call you the Aunties? :) ) When their gallon jugs got full and heavy from candy, Mandy and Rachel volunteered to carry them. It was a really fun night.

Eve and Mandy



She cracks me up.

Kitty Eve

So many pictures of Eve, I know, but she is just so photogenic lately. Love that smile!

Outdoor kitty

Eve in her outdoor gear. Two layers and a headscarf. Still adorable.


He wanted nothing to do with the face mask, but I think the hat is cool too.

The loot

Once they filled up two gallons of candy we decided to head home.

Just a few pieces

Lex wanted to eat "just a few pieces" of candy before bed. I gave them about 20 minutes to gorge themselves and then rounded them up for a warm bath and bedtime.

Halloween 2010 – Part 1

I realize it isn’t even Halloween yet, but somehow this day of candy gorging seems to have turned into almost a week for us! Starting with Eve’s preschool costume parade on Thursday. Last night we went to a Halloween party at Alan’s office. Lex refused to dress up (reserving his costume for the ACTUAL Halloween event!), but Eve and I donned our gear for the party.

This kitty caught herself a spider.

This kitty caught herself a spider.

Me and Eve

I witch I had a spiderweb necklace! :)

Running the halls

Towards the end of the party Lex, Eve, and Mr. Incredible spent some time (ok, a lot of time!) running the halls and yelling, having a blast.

This morning we all enjoyed NOT rushing out of the house at 7am as we have done the past few days. Instead we had a leisurely morning and then made our way to the Fright River Flyer for a haunted train ride with Gammy and Popcube. It was chilly and very much NOT haunted, but we all had fun anyway.


Love that face, even though she didn't want me to take her picture. It's hard to resist!


The train made a weird unexpected (to me) stop at a farm stand where the kids were all given mini pumpkins. I think it was more so the grownups would all buy coffee and cookies (we did).

Eve reading the flyer

She looks quite concerned while reading this train brochure. Perhaps because she can't read? Or maybe because the brocure is upside down?! :)

The train trip ended about an hour later than expected, which left us rushing home for a quick lunch and then off to a birthday party. Eve and Alan stayed home while Lex and I went to his friend’s birthday party. I was worried because he was so tired and barely ate lunch, but he had a BLAST! He cried only once, when I was told that parents can drop off their kids and leave. His eyes welled up and he asked me please, please not to leave him alone. So I stayed. Luckily I’m friends with the family so it was nice to stay and chat with them anyway.

Rope swing

The birthday boy on the rope swing. Can you find Lex?

Climbing the mat

It's hard to get good pictures in this place! Here he is at the top of the mountain, about to toss a beanbag into that "donut" behind the line of kids!

Cake time

When they were all done with gymnastics, Lex looked up at me in the balcony and yelled "Mom, it's time for cake!" Like he endured all that fun activity just to get cake :) Here he is now, enjoying his dinosaur cupcake.

After the party and Eve’s nap, we spent the rest of the evening coloring at the table. Lex said he needed some relaxing time :) They had a giant snack around 4:45 and skipped dinner.


I LOVE when he reads to her! Even if they are reading a coloring book :)


Eve wrote "pumpkin" on her little pumpkin. She is getting so good with her letters!

Tomorrow we will chill in the morning. I might even read the paper!! :) Then off to the mall (hehe… or what passes for a mall around here!) for trick-or-treating with the Johnson family and one of Lex’s classmates. Hello candy!

Let the sugar parade begin…

Eve’s class did a Halloween parade at school today.  The class is held at a high school so they went trick-or-treating around the school.  I thought it was cute idea and figured she would come home with a few pieces of candy, but she got a ton!  I was shocked!  She got more candy on this parade then she got trick-or-treating last year… and both kids shared that!  It occurred to me that her pumpkin is already half full (like the “pumpkins” we made for trick-or-treating?) and she will still be getting candy at Alan’s office party tomorrow, on the haunted train ride on Saturday, and THEN trick-or-treating on Sunday!  Oof!

Eve’s Halloween (aka Halloween 2009)

This was a funny Halloween.  It was a beautiful day, high 60s and breezy.  We spent the morning doing my stuff (WW meeting, exercise, etc).  Eve happily joined me while Lex stayed home with Alan and had a slow morning.  He was still running a fever and not feeling great.  At nap time he eagerly went to sleep (rare for him!) and she fell asleep with vision of candy dancing in her head.  Lex woke up even more feverish and was happy to stay home with Alan while Eve and I went to the local “mall” for indoor trick-or-treating.  I’ve never gone but I have friends who go every year and love it.  This year it was packed because the forecast called for a rainy evening.  Eve was SUPER excited all the way until we were standing in front of the first person handing out candy…. then she clung to the back of my leg like glue!  When we finally moved away from the poor candy-handing-out lady Eve let go of her death grip and started looking around.  She had a great time looking at people and wandering around, but refused to say “trick-or-treat” to anyone and usually hid her head whenever we got near someone handing out candy.  She is such a funny girl.  A few people put candy in her pumpkin anyway so we ended up with about ten pieces of candy, which she happily shared with the family when we got home.  By the time we left the mall it was raining pretty hard, so we went home (after a quick stop at the grocery store to get more medicine for Lex and lots of oohs and ahhs for Eve).

Lex fell asleep on the couch and is in pretty miserable shape.  I took his temp tonight and it was 103.6.  I don’t normally take temps because I can tell if they have a fevers or not without the thermometer and I don’t see much need to know the precise number, but tonight he felt SO hot.  I spoke with the pedi on call and she said to keep doing what we’re doing.  I’m hoping this is just one of his normal fever spells (they seem to come every 6 months or so and the timing is about right) and not some scary flu thing.

Eve, on the other hand, is on a sugar high from the lollipop she ate and she’s bouncing like  a crazy person!  I’ve been back up there three times already to find her in various states of disarray (and disrobed!)  The first time she took her cloth diaper off and took the whole thing apart! This most recent time I found her in the bathroom, naked, saying she wants different PJs.  Sigh.  H0pefully she’ll pass out soon :)  I think she came home with just the right amount of candy.  We all got a few bits and there isn’t a huge bowlful left over.  What is leftover though is the candy we bought!  With the heavy rains only the hardiest (and most foolish, in my opinion) were out and about, so we have lots of leftover stuff.  Hmm… now to find something creative to do with it… or maybe now it’s time to go to bed.  Yeah, I think that’s it.

Sleeping Beauty has a quick Skittles snack to energize for the big night.

Sleeping Beauty has a quick Skittles snack to energize for the big night.

There's our little pink pumpkin princess.  Doesn't Lex look sad in the background?  He was happy not to go out though, really he was.

There's our little pink pumpkin princess. Doesn't Lex look sad in the background? He was happy not to go out though, really he was. (and yes, she is a New England Sleeping Beauty, turtle neck, tights, socks and all!)

I suspect this chariot is unbefitting of a princess :) She was actually confused as to why we were getting in the car to go trick-or-treating.

I suspect this chariot is not befitting of a princess :) She was actually confused as to why we were getting in the car to go trick-or-treating.

An action shot at the mall

An action shot at the mall

Eve made a beeline for the first empty bench she saw and announced it time to eat some candy.  She was apparently eager to eat that lollipop.  Her first ever tootsie-pop, I believe.

Eve made a beeline for the first empty bench she saw and announced it time to eat some candy. She was apparently eager to eat that lollipop. Her first ever tootsie-pop, I believe.

Everyone surveys Eve's haul.  The best part was, everyone was happy with it!!  (except me who was a little disappointed not to have to "save" Eve from any tasty Reece's Peanut Butter cups.  Oh well!)

Everyone surveys Eve's haul. The best part was, everyone was happy with it!! (except me who was a little disappointed not to have to "save" Eve from any tasty Reece's Peanut Butter cups. Oh well!)

Halloween Eve

Lex woke up yesterday, looked at the calendar, and said: “Mom, tomorrow is Halloween day and Saturday is Halloween night.  That means tomorrow we have to go to the store and buy candy to give to the trick-or-treaters.  We also have to go to the store and buy pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns.”  Like that was his plan all along.  I wish he’d start writing these things on the calendar for me!  We already had candy so we checked that right off his mental list and I started trying to work jack-o-lanterns into my Friday plans.  Truth be told, this Halloween scrooge was hoping to avoid the jack-o-lanterns this year.  We bought a few little pumpkins a few weeks ago and the kids happily painted them (per Lex’s instruction) and they both participated in the carving of many jack-o-lanterns at daycare, so I was hoping to skip it here.  But I guess Lex had it scheduled for Friday.  After I picked him up from school (the cookies were a hit, by the way!) we stopped at the farm stand and bought pumpkins, mums and apple cider, on sale :)

MY Friday plans had included a playdate with a friend and her kids, so after naps I gave them a call and, conveniently, they had pumpkins to carve too… so they came over and we had a pumpkin carving playdate.  As seems to be the case with pumpkin carving, the kids were interested for about five minutes and then ran off to play, leaving the grown-ups to finish the job.  Luckily we had fun with it. I also LOVED when Lex insisted we “play” the “five little pumpkins” game.  With some effort I came to understand that means singing a super cute song and at the end the lights go out.  Anyone know this song?  I love hearing about stuff he learns at school.  We tried to record him singing but the other kids were making noise and he is a quiet singer so you can’t really hear him in the movie.  It was a beautiful thing though, from a mommy perspective anyway! :)

Then we got pizza and around 6:30, after eating only a few bites of dinner, a very tired and sick (cold, congestion) Eve got down and said it was time for bed.  She does this at nap time a lot lately.  She’ll have some lunch and then say its time for nap.  She goes upstairs and climbs into her bed.  Sometimes she just sits there and waits for me, other times she reads a book to doggie while she waits, tonight she pulled the covers up over her head and fell asleep!  The door was open, the other kids were running and yelling downstairs, and Eve was out like a light.  I went up and put a diaper on her, she smiled and hugged me but otherwise kept sleeping.  She’s so funny!  She’s always been a great sleeper but lately she has become crazy and fights bedtime.  About a week ago she started putting herself to bed and really appreciating sleep again.  I think it’s just because she hasn’t been feeling well lately, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

Then while my friend and I chatted, Alan did an awesome job of wearing out the other three kids.  They cleaned up the GIANT mess they had made in the living room and office, they played Simon Says, they played tag, and lots of other fun stuff.  I lost track.  I sat on my butt and chatted with my friend.  It was a great night :)

When they left Alan read a story to Lex while Lex had a snack (skipped dinner, too busy playing).  Then they went upstairs and Lex threw up, several times!  Blech!!  Luckily they were in the bathroom so the mess was fairly contained, but poor Lex just shook and shivered and moaned and cried.  Alan put him in a warm bath for awhile then I got him dressed and we snuggled in bed.  I’m hoping it was just from so much activity.  Hopefully!!!

We have a few Halloween plans for tomorrow, but I think we’ll see how the kids feel when they wake up.  There is so much to do around here (I love this area!) but I try to remember that my kids don’t like doing too much and are often happiest with one or two small activities. Lex’s plan for tomorrow is to empty out the Pampered Chef boxes that were delivered today and make another playhouse.  It’s Halloween and he is most excited to make a cardboard playhouse.  I hope the innocence lasts for a few more years.  Eve, on the other hand, has been practicing her door knocking and “trick-or-treat” yell and is eager to go out on the town!  :)

I am that mom

Halloween Pumpkin Chip cookies

Halloween Pumpkin Chip cookies

At Lex’s open house last month (did I tell you about that disaster??) I volunteered to be on the “parent committee” for Lex’s class. Not sure what that meant, but I figured it could be fun. Turns out the parent committee is in charge of organizing class parties and… well, that’s all I know so far. The teacher asked me to talk to the other parents who signed up and organize a healthy Halloween snack for their class tomorrow. No costumes or games, just snack and drink. Umm… yeah, I can do that!! When talking to the other parents I politely offered to bring the snack :) Yay! A chance to bake a fun Halloween snack and give it away! My first plan was oatmeal raisin cookies with black and orange M&Ms, but I was forced to abandon that idea when I couldn’t find black and orange M&Ms. Oh well. Plan B… Google! I found a recipe for pumpkin chip cookies with butterscotch chips. Yum! I doubled the recipe (why not!) and threw in some extra cranberries I had. Plus a little nutmeg.  I actually did half with butterscotch chips and cranberries and the other half with plain chocolate chips (Lex wanted chocolate chip cookies). I think the butterscotch/cranberry version is far superior! Then I decorated them with some leftover frosting I had in the fridge. Yep, I am that mom! :) Hopefully the kids enjoy their tasty treat tomorrow.

Here is the recipe from


1 cup pumpkin
1 egg
1/2 cup any kind vegetable oil
1 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup white chocolate or butterscotch chips
1/2 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped

Preheat oven to 370°F.

Note: If using butterscotch chips, try using butter rum extract or butterscotch schnapps instead of the vanilla for extra flavor.

Blend pumpkin, egg, oil and sugar. Whisk together flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt; gradually add to first mixture. Dissolve the baking soda in milk and add to batter. Stir in chocolate (or butterscotch) chips, nuts and vanilla.

Drop by the teaspoonful onto lightly greased baking sheets.

Bake at 370°F degrees for 10 to 12 minutes. Recipe can be doubled.

Bake and freeze the extra cookies.


A Halloween costume everyone can enjoy!  A roaring thanks to Joshua for passing along his lion costume to Lex.  Everyone played with it last night (Eve loves it!) and Lex even tried it on today.  He was talking about getting candy and trick-or-treating and I said, “Oh, are you going trick-or-treating?”  His plan until today has been to send Eve out trick-or-treating and then just share her candy!  I asked what he was going to wear (he also has a Spiderman costume) and he said “The lion costume from Joshua.”  I questioned whether or not it fit him and he decided to try it on to make sure it would be ok!  :)  It fits and all is good.  I took lots of photos in case he changes his mind and doesn’t put it on again.