A quick look at the blog shows that I’m a wee bit behind on blog postings. I’ll catch up eventually, but for now, here’s a little post about a truly whimsical day Eve and I shared today. We drove R down to MA to catch the RIT bus back to college, then we went adventuring!
We started at the Dr. Seuss Museum in Springfield, MA, one of the five Springfield Museums. We went to the science museum too, since we were there anyway. The first thing we saw was a super cool and active wood turtle. We watched it work very hard to get over the (fake) rocks to reach it’s food. It was probably the most active turtle I’ve ever seen.
The rest of the science museum was pretty cool too. The gift show, however, was just meh.

Then we ventured out into the Dr. Seuss sculpture garden. There were several fun sculptures, including a Horton Hears a Who sculpture that double as a play structure for little kids.

The Dr. Seuss building had various themed rooms, lots of characters and play places, and the whole upstairs was historical documents and stuff from him. Theodor Geisel doodled on everything and the museum had lots of random things collected with his doodles. He also had a lot of correspondence, all on Cat in the Hat stationary he drew. They also had his baby book on a video display. That was neat to see. The whole place is pretty interesting.
I’m having trouble getting the photos uploaded here properly. If you want to see lots more photos, here’s a Google album.
When were done at the Springfield Museums (or at least the two we were most interested in!) we headed a few towns over to visit the The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. The whimsey started right in the parking lot with a Hungry Caterpillar bug.

The Eric Carle museum is smaller and a little more museum like, but no less interesting. The open center area had huge wall art done by Carle on his studio floor with paint brushes and rollers. There were several side galleries with different displays, a reading room with loads of picture books, a studio for creating art, and the best gift shop! I wanted to buy everything there! I restrained myself… but barely.

We had a great day full of whimsey and fun. <3