Back to WPI

We brought Lex back to WPI today. The summer went by waaayyy too fast! He went back a week early again this year for band camp. This year he’s living in a campus apartment with six other guys. He’s in a friend group that decided to get two adjoining (or at least near by) campus apartments. He’s sharing a room with the same roommate he had last year. They both got along well. They are also both in band so they will be the only two in the apartment this week.

The apartment is nice, but the bedrooms are TINY. I was reminiscing about my freshman dorm and it was probably twice the size of his room!

Once again he had drumline auditions so we couldn’t spend the day with him. We did have time to get him moved in and somewhat unpacked before he had to go. Plus a few photos, of course!

I texted him tonight and he said the audition went well. He’ll be playing Bass 2 in pep band this year. He again was hoping for snare, but seems happy with bass. I’m looking forward to seeing him perform, and just seeing him again! :)

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