Let the sugar parade begin…

Eve’s class did a Halloween parade at school today.  The class is held at a high school so they went trick-or-treating around the school.  I thought it was cute idea and figured she would come home with a few pieces of candy, but she got a ton!  I was shocked!  She got more candy on this parade then she got trick-or-treating last year… and both kids shared that!  It occurred to me that her pumpkin is already half full (like the “pumpkins” we made for trick-or-treating?) and she will still be getting candy at Alan’s office party tomorrow, on the haunted train ride on Saturday, and THEN trick-or-treating on Sunday!  Oof!

3 thoughts on “Let the sugar parade begin…

  1. Grampy Don has lots of time available, and is more than glad to spend significant amounts of it sampling and evaluating as much of her candy as necessary to ensure it is safe for human consumption. Ha Ha Ha Ha

  2. A little known fact about candy is that it evaporates overnight! You have a 1/2 bucket full when you go to bed, but in the morning it is 4/5 gone….just enough left to cover the bottom of the bucket. You look in the bucket, and think, ”wow, it looked fuller last night, but I must have remembered wrong”
    This phenomenon continues to happen, until you are old enough to think to keep your candy hidden in your room. For some reason that halts the evaporation process. The smaller the children, the more candy evaporates. Science should really study this further!

  3. Ahhhhh yes, “Mema”! I’ve actually observed, first hand (and then the other), the evaporation process it is quite fascinating.

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