A doggie playdate

Nuoska is a very good dog, but his walks around the neighborhood have not been exercising him enough and after this morning’s very naughty walk I thought a romp at the dog park was in order. Fortunately the weather and the family cooperated!


Another car ride for Nuoska, in a different car this time, with lots of people.


Hahaha… I think he’s yawning, or maybe about to eat the children!


He didn’t last long in the way back, choosing instead to jump over the seat and spend the rest of the ride on one kids’ lap or the other, depending on which window he wanted to look out.

The weather and the family cooperated, but the dog park did not! Apparently they close it in March for spring cleanup or something. There was a big field nearby, but I really wanted him to run and I was pretty sure that if we let him off the lease he would never come back. I was texting with a friend of mine about the dog park and she came to the rescue with her 8mo old puppy and a 30′ lead! Yay! The two dogs were fast friends. :)


Gracie in the pink collar and Nuoska in blue. They are very similar looking dogs!


Gracie likes the water. Nuoska wasn’t so sure. I got him to drink it, but he didn’t want to put his feet in.


Oh yeah,, there were kids there too. Can’t forget about them. :)


This one decided to take dozens of “amazingly beautiful” river rocks home with us. She has them in her pant legs and shirt and arms. She got near the top of the bank and asked if I’d carry them for her. Ha! She plans to sell them and make a lot of money. We’ll see how that goes. :)

We were just thinking it was time to wrap things up when a lady came by with two big dogs. We stuck around a bit longer. Nuoska barked a bit at them, but they were older dogs and didn’t give him the time of day. After a few minutes and a few good sniffs he went back to playing with Gracie. A few minutes later another couple came by with a smaller dog on a leash. Nuoska went crazy and practically attacked the poor thing! Good thing he was on the lead and Alan was on the other end! The little dog was fine and bounded right away, but we decided that was enough for Nuoska. All good things come to an end.

With the kids I always said there was that little window when the playdate needed to end. If you left before that everyone was disappointed, but if you missed it then there were tears and fights. There’s that little window right in the middle and I got pretty good at spotting it and leaving on time. I think the same goes for dogs and we just missed it!


A man and his dog (and his electric car and his bag of collected litter). Happiness is.

The Cat and Dog Show


Checking out the world together.

We have been thoroughly entertained by the cat and dog show around here lately. Nuoska is so interested in Daisy, but Daisy is taking her sweet time warming up to him. She isn’t scared of him, in fact she has been inside more than usual and is staying near him and the rest of the action. Nuoska really, really wants to sniff her bottom! She’s not so sure about that. Sometimes she lets him get close, but other times she keeps him at bay. Last night she even went over and rubbed up against him, which was sweet, until he turned and started trying to sniff her butt! LOL! Dogs! Whenever they are interacting it is fascinating to watch. Eve bought Daisy a big bag of catnip in a pillow, which Diasy has been loving. That probably mellows her out a bit. Right now she’s sleeping with her head on it. They crack me up!

Nuoska was being really bold and naughty this morning! He was relentless with her! Usually when she hisses, he goes into the other room for a few seconds before trying again, but this morning he was persistent. Lex and I took him out for a walk and he was totally crazy! Naughtiest walk ever! (in the two days we’ve had him so far! :) ) Maybe it’s a sign he’s getting comfortable with us and more bold in his environment. :)

At family meeting today we are going to vote on a new name. These are the options so far. What do you think?