
Eve made herself this amazing sign for her bedroom door and I love it. She took dinosaur stickers and guessed at their feelings and emotions. I asked if it was a book about feelings and she said no, just a regular sticker book. I especially love the face with steam coming out of it’s ears under the “Don’t come in” words, and the “hangry” one, and well… I love them all! I mostly love that “Happy” is the default checked box. :)


How are you feeling today?


I was clearing off the table yesterday, trying to make room for us to eat, and I saw this on the table.


Probably could have cropped this picture a bit. :)

“Did someone lose a tooth?” I asked. “Oh, yeah, I did,” said Lex. I had to laugh. Losing teeth is such a non-issue these days. He lost it at lunch and went to the nurse, as is the protocol when you lose a tooth in school. He showed me the space where it was, and the space was filled with a tooth half way grown in already! Bottom, right… first molar maybe? I forgot already.