Two fixed wrists?

Two carpal tunnel surgeries and I’m ready to go!  Kinda.  Just now I’m feeling a little beat up.  I took the bandage off the left wrist and was surprised to see minimal bruising and swelling.  There was more pain this time, so I was expecting to have more bruising and swelling as well.  Guess not.


Left wrist (with green circle) was just done, right wrist (with bruising from the IV) was done a few weeks ago. The white tape came off after I showered, so now I have band-aids on both wrists.

It has been quite a mental task to shift completely from using my left hand to my right.  I’ve been babying my right for the past three weeks and suddenly it’s now on full duty, despite the fact that it’s only about 90% ready.

Lucky for me I’m surrounded by supportive family and I have flexible obligations, so I have time to heal.  I’m also getting good rest.  It’s a new feeling not waking up with numb or tingly (or firey!) hands.

Life is good.