RIT Bound!

We spent last weekend in New York, kayaking, partying, and dropping another kid off at college!

I rented a minivan for this college trip. We had a fun time with the space, cup holders, and complete lack of get-up-and-go! It went zero to sixty in like five minutes! LOL.

We stopped at the usual lunch spot where King Gerald enjoyed a fruit cup. Then on to Rosy’s house for the evening. She invited us to join her on a swim/kayak around the lake with her master swim class. They swam, we kayaked. It was supposed to be moonlight swim by the light of the almost full moon, but the clouds didn’t cooperate. We had a great outing even without the full moon.

The next morning River and I headed to Rochester Institute of Technology! The forecast called for rain and storms, but they held off for most of the day so we were able to move him in under the hot sun instead of an umbrella.

Apparently I didn’t take many pictures. LOL. He had some roommate switching to do so we couldn’t get him all settled in and unpacked, but I thoroughly enjoyed the view from his window! He can see the athletic fields and much of campus. He could watch the football and baseball games from his bedroom! We went to the resource fair and grabbed a few freebies, went to the bookstore for a new car magnet, and then the rain started. By then we were ready for dinner, so we called (j/k – texted) the Kirkwoods, our Rochester buddies, and went out to dinner with them. Somehow I didn’t even get a picture of that?! We’ll be have to sure to do it again soon. I drove home that night with a happy heart and, after the storm parked, a beautiful full moon guiding the way.

The next day we had a little family party to celebrate Rosy’s birthday. Apparently I didn’t take pictures there either. Slacking on my photography responsibilities here! I enjoyed the visit though, and that’s what really matters. We drove home the next day.

All girls! Cat, kid, fish, mom. (Huxley was still at the kennel.)

This weekend we had a little video call so I could see the boys again. :) It sounds like everyone is settling in and doing well.

I wasn’t sleeping, just looking down at my phone to take the picture. 🙄