A quick woe-is-me

I saw a meme that said something like:

June is like a Friday, full of excitement for the summer/weekend;
July is like a Saturday, lots of fun, trying to do all the things to make the most of your summer/weekend;
and August is list a Sunday, dread sets in, never long enough, torn between relaxing and stressing

(This would be better if I could actually find the meme, but instead you’ll just have to use your imagination.)

I knew, last year, when I took this new job, that this summer would be tough. I knew that having minimal vacation would be a bummer. So really, feel free to skip this whole sad sack post, but I’m writing it anyway.

I didn’t miss (too much) the end of school year chaos and fun, and I DEFINITELY won’t miss the August stress, but the June summer is not the same when you have to work all year. My coworkers all have lots of saved up vacation time (how?!) and have been taking weeks off here and there. My bosses take LOTS of weeks off. Me and my miniscule vacation time are spending a lot of time at work these days. Well, the usual amount of time, but it feels like a lot when everyone else is on vacation! I know this is a weird post to follow my DC vacation post, but that was one day off, plus two weekend days (which were great!) and therefore no downtime at all at home. Working every 3rd Saturday also means less time at home. In theory you’re supposed to have a weekday off if you work a weekend, but in practice it ends up being shorter week days and no break. Sigh. It’s already the end of July and I haven’t even done any summer things. No Maine trips, no beaches, no water, no house projects, minimal sleeping late. Sigh.

Ok, enough of that. I’m going to turn off the computer and go outside. 🤗