We had our First Lego League robotics competition today.  It was a big day full of lots of emotion.  We had a young team this year with few repeats.  Only a few knew anything about the programming when we coaches had a hard time engaging and motivating the group as a whole.  Lex carried a lot of the weight on his shoulders as the only returning member with tech skills.  We got off to a rough start with early morning wake ups.  No one was happy to wake up earlier on a Sunday than we do on school days! 

A few rounds of Uno to get the day started!

The opening ceremony

The 2016 FLL team!

Thanks to the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center for their sponsorship!!

We started with the robot design presentation, then the project presentation, then the Core Values meeting with the judges.  Unfortunately we didn’t have a real cohesive team this year, but they surprised us all with their presentations.  

Presenting their robot to the judges.

First run on the board!

Here’s where the day got interesting.  One of the missions they tried, and usually succeeded at in practices, didn’t work as expected.  The team talked to the refs afterward and discovered that the refs hadn’t set up the table correctly! The ref decided to give them the full number of points they could have potentially scored on that mission, although we as a team knew we never would have scored that high! That started us off with 115 points, day more than we ever expected! The kids were thrilled and started asking what the grand prize trophy looked like.  

A bit later we had a chance to run a practice mission on the competion table and we got our first feel for what the robot really could do.   Sadly, not much.  That run wasn’t for points, but it left the team a little shaken.

Time for some last minute tweaks and practice runs!

And sometimes you just need to be silly. 😁

After scoring only 10 points on the second mission (an hour later), a judge came over and told us that they needed to change the excess points awarded because they deemed it (fairly, IMHO) excessive.  They told us they were going to scrap our first run and we would get another turn.  The kids we’re expecting to be going into their final (3rd) round with a score of 125 points, but suddenly they were heading to their second round and only had 10 points.  Spirits were low. 😕

In the next round they were rushing too fast, pieces dropped and broke, missions didn’t work, and they were really discouraged.  Then we had about 10 minutes to regroup before the now final run.  

They slowed down, made better moves, but still the missions didn’t work.  Ones that had worked reliably on our practice mat didn’t work at the competition.  The kids felt disappointed and somewhat robbed.  

It was sad as a parent to watch. There were many tears from the kids (mine and others), and their disappointment was heavy.  However, as a coach I had pulled my hair out trying to get them to focus and pay attention and even TRY to learn the robotics, so i, and the other coaches, were not at all surprised at the results and I watched as one by one the kids came to the realization that maybe they should have put in a little more effort up front.  Sad, but true. 

We decided to have a wrap-up meeting/celebration and try to end the season on a somewhat higher note.  Hopefully most will be willing to come back and give it another, more focused!, try next year.  

I was sad to see Lex truly unhappy in this area that he loves so much.  I remember when he started two years ago as the youngest on an experienced team and I felt that he had finally found his tribe.  This year’s team was not his tribe.  I hope we can make it better for him, and all of them, (and us coaches!) next year.

A Christmas Carol

Keeping busy waiting for the show to start. Alan was wandering around and didn’t make it into the selfie.

We went to see A Christmas Carol at the theater today.  I was so excited!  Eve saw the show last week as a class field trip and she loved it.  She came home and told us all about it!! Spoilers and all. 😁

Today we finally got to go and it was excellent! A little scary in places (like the very beginning!) and a little intense and so funny and creative and beautiful.  We also knew three people in the cast, so it was cool to see them.  After Eve’s show they got to hair down with the cast and ask questions, so we had some cool inside knowledge from her.  I loved it!

I’ve been thinking lately that in want to go to the theater more often.  I missed two shows this fall that I really wanted to see, for no reason other than I didn’t prioritize getting there.  I’m kicking myself in hindsight and really wish I had gone to them.  Maybe that can be a New Year’s Resolution.  We have so much culture in our little piece of the world.  Life is good.

Surgery update

Hey all, I think this blog is losing steam.  That makes me sad, but also not surprised with the influx of social media and group chats; plus my kids are getting bigger and less interested in having their private lives on public record; and that whole working thing that takes up a lot of my time these days!

I am gloriously home this week, relaxing on the couch and watching too much tv.  They call it “resting,” not something I’m generally good at! :)  Actually, this week we’re calling it “healing” and something that is very needed, mentally and physically!

Third paragraph and third time sitting down to write this.  Sigh.  Things are going well.  I’m healing.  My throat is feeling less sore and I haven’t taken an pain reliever since 1pm this afternoon.  :)  On Tuesday the ENT surgeon did a “quick procedure” (only 74 minutes fully sedated!) to remove some scar tissue from my trachea in an attempt to open up that airway and help me breath a little easier.  I’ve been dealing with this for awhile now and tried several different asthma meds first, with minimal success.

I’ve been on so many meds (pain relieves, antibiotics, stereoids, and the usual vitamins and stuff I take every day), that I haven’t really been able to tell if the surgery made any improvement.  Also, it’s not too hard to breath when you’re just sitting on the couch all day, not moving!  :)

This afternoon I took Arlo for a walk down the street and it was colder than cold so we walked at a very brisk pace!  It was not a long walk, but I found myself noticing on the way back that my breathing was up slightly, but in a natural “I’m walking fast in the cold,” sort of way, not the “I’m having trouble catching my breath,” sort of way that it has been for the past year or more.  I’m going to tentatively say the surgery was useful and worth it (the forced recovery time was definitely worth it as I’ve been running on stressed out fumes for awhile now!)

Yesterday I made it out for a few errands and lunch with a friend.  I was exhausted by the end and my throat was sore.  Today felt like “back to real life” with karate and Lego League practice requiring me to be up and out the door early.  Tomorrow is the Lego League competition and it will be a LONG, LOUD day!  I’m going to bring extra pain reliever, just in case!  Monday is a full day of school, and I’m already looking forward to Tuesday and Wednesday, my quieter days in the library!

Ok, outta here for now!  Lots to prep for tomorrow and we have to be out the door bright and early!

It’s beginning to look a little like Christmas…

Today was free and decoration day, starting with the return of my adorable reindeer who spent the summer at the neighbors house, awaiting repairs.  He is all put together again and ready to jingle all the way!

How does he not have a name after all these years?! I’m always happy to see him each year.

Then, after pancakes and a shower, we headed out to get a tree.  Out past few tree outtings have been less than idylic (though I probably didn’t mention that on the blog), and Alan stillnisnt feeling well (did I mention his pneumonia?), so the kids and I headed down to our local Christmas tree parking lot.  We quickly found a perfect tree and I tied it into the new car platform.  So much easier than the roof of the car!

My camera sucks! It randomly doesn’t save pictures I take. It didn’t save the adorable picture of Lex standing by the tree, but it did save this silly rearview mirror picture. Dang technology! 😕

We spent the afternoon listening to Christmas music and decorating the house.

It was fun to see the kids getting out the Christmas stuff together and reminicing over the ornaments.

Haha. It looks like we have balloons on the tree!

This is a blurry picture, but a funny situation. Eve was putting out the nativity scene and Arlo came over to check it out, unbeknownst to her. She turned suddenly to say something to me and bumped right into Arlo’s nose. We all laughed. 😄

It’s important to hang candy canes ON the tree topper …

… and to take advantage of climbing on the furniture whenever possible!

Happy Holidays!

There are only four of us and we still can’t get a picture with everyone smiling. Goof balls. We tried to get Arlo in the picture too, but he wanted nothing to do with any of it.

The annual clearing off of the table. Don’t blink of you’ll miss it!

My grandparents crèche. I told Eve that baby Jesus doesn’t arrive until Christmas Eve, but she didn’t care.


A little holiday cheer

Today I put aside all of the work thoughts and health issues and clutter (mental and literal), and went out for a day of holiday fun!

We started at the karate holiday party (and sale) where I purchased a few Christmas presents and the kids played games and are donuts! 

Look at Miss Eve back on the floor! They had a blast!

Then we headed over to the annual Gingerbread Festival where we looked at houses, lamented the old days when the crafts weren’t so babyish (or the kids weren’t so not babyish), and had a little lunch.

An ice blue castle, an Appalachian cabin (notice the snow shoes?), and 17 Cherry Tree Lane from Mary Poppins.

The GingerBand Stand with ice skaters out front, a Hobbit hole, and the three little pigs.

The Dothan Brook School subdivision.

Eve decided to decorate a cookie, but Lex’s face says it all about the babyish craft projects.

The kids weren’t interested in bidding on a house, so when we finished lunch we headed out.  We dropped Lex off at home, then Eve and I headed to a holiday craft fair where we found great little teacher fits and Eve made a cool coaster.  Then I dropped her at a birthday party and I went to the pharmacy and swung by The Paper Store for some impulse shopping! 

Home again for dinner and a movie.

Happy holidays! 

Allergy tests

In my never-ending mild medical saga, I went to see an allergist today.  I told her the whole long tale, then she did a skin test to see what I’m allergic too.  Turns out it’s pretty much the same old stuff: cats, dogs, and dust.  I’m not allergic to trees anymore, so that’s good. 

I got 42 pin pricks. Good times. (It’s hard to take a picture of your own back!)

She recommended an allergy med and prescribed a nasal mist (yuck!), but she didn’t have a clear explanation for my breathing problems.  She agreed that the treachea surgery is a good idea and thought maybe some speech/vocal therapy would be good too.  She said to check in with her in six months to see how the surfer affected things.  

While I was waiting I pulled up my blog post of Eve’s allergy testing.  That was a good day!! Her back is so much cuter than mine! (Here is her initial test.  She was so adorable!!)

So off we go to surgery on Tuesday.  I hope it works!!!