
At six and eight years old I thought the kids were about due for a proper sledding hill, not the gently sloping lawn we usually sled on. Today was a beautiful day, sunny and in the 20s, so we packed up the sleds and headed to a nearby slope! It’s a place I’ve heard all about but I wasn’t quite sure where it was so we went on an adventure. Turns out it was well worth it!! The kids loved it!

Yesterday they had a ice festival there, something I’ve always thought we should attend but never quite mustered the energy for, but turns out going the day after is perfect. All the ice sculptures with none of the crowds. Probably none of the s’mores and hot chocolate either, but we survived.


It was a beautiful day!

ice car

An ice car for kids to play in.


Eve brought Empy, her new penguin, and was excited to see an ice penguin there too.

One cool castle!

One cool castle!

lex sliding

Lex on the ice slide

eve sliding

Eve on the ice slide

big slide p1

There was also a big snow slide that had a double track and went under a polar bear.

big slide p2

I’m sitting at the top (see my boots) and Eve is way down at the bottom.

ice fishing

Yesterday they had ice fishing at the party. I like that the hole is in the shape of a fish. :)

big hill p1

One big hill!

big hill p2

See Lex climbing it?

big hill p3

We each went down this hill once, fell off the sleds, bumped our heads, and decided to try a smaller hill. Actually safety conscious mom said we had to do a smaller hill. I wanted no concussions today!

penguin sled

Empy the penguin came sledding with us too. Here she is safely wrapped in Eve’s hat.

medium hill

This hill was better.


One happy boy!

eve belly p1

Eve decided to do some sliding like the penguins do!

eve belly p2

Weee!! Empy is tucked into her hood and also enjoying the slide.


One happy girl!

eve action

Action shot!

lex action

I love this one!


Look out Eve!

Overall we had a great day! No tears and no concussions. What more can I ask for. The kids want to go back again soon. Hopefully the great weather sticks around for awhile because we have a week long vacation coming up and it would be great to do some sledding!