Star of the Week

Lex was Star of the Week in 3rd grade last week. I meant to take pictures of something to go with a blog post, but I never did. Mostly because it all happens at school! The Star of the Week idea provides for a chance to honor each student in the class. When it is their week they bring in a bag of “artifacts” to show the class on Monday. Lex brought a project he made at Home Depot, his CHaD medal from the race, his lovey dog, and a few other things. On Tuesday they get to bring in a favorite book to share with the class. On Wednesday the parents send in a letter to the child that the teacher reads. Lex was very excited for this. I was very stressed! :) The letter is supposed to be sent to school in a sealed envelope and the student hears it for the first time with his class. Lex told me the other letters were there pages long and funny and sweet. He’s the second to last kid in class to do this so he’s heard a lot of letters so far! I ended up writing a full two pages and Eve wrote a letter as well. I talked to his teacher later and she said none of them are three pages long! :) Silly Lex! He loved his letter and that’s the most important part. Thursday was parents lunch day, so Alan picked up Panera Bread and we joined Lex for lunch with his class. I like his class and it was fun to get to see them again. As we were leaving my 5th grade class came in and I got to say hi to them as well. Friday the Star of the Week sheet says something about a special poster, but Lex said they never do that. All week the Star gets to be line leader and the teacher’s helper and more. They feel really important and special.