One step closer…

I took my Praxis I exam today.  It wasn’t terribly hard, but I’m glad to have it behind me now.  It’s basically a test to determine if I am smart enough to learn how to be an elementary school teacher!  I passed. Yay!  :-)


We survived another day of busy week. I subbed half day in fourth and half in fifth. Not my best day. :/ Then we chilled at home for a bit then rushed out the door to swim lessons. Thankfully they were super excited to go, although it took them ages to get out the door.

Once we were there though they jumped right in and I sat for half an hour. We all enjoyed.

I love their little swimming bodies. They are not the most graceful of swimmers, but boy do they try hard!

I’m in!

I got my acceptance letter from UVEI today. It’s a preliminary acceptance based on paying a deposit and finding a suitable mentor. I’m happy to get the letter so we can move to the next step. Should I be more unsure or nervous about this? Perhaps I used up all my uncertainty over the past few years! (Who am I kidding, it will be back next week, I’m sure!) Right now I’m just wondering how in the world I’m going to do it. Working full-time is hard work! I subbed today and now I’m zoning in front of the computer while the kids are entertaining themselves. Eve is actually sitting on my lap coloring. :) I have pretty awesome kids!

Next up – internship (school and grade) placements! I’ll keep ya posted.

5th Grade

I “taught” 5th grade today! I put “taught” in quotes because there was very little actual teaching involved. Mostly just guiding. They did lots of reading, and math worksheets, and a test, and a video. I was like the cruise director, making sure everyone was where they needed to be at the appropriate times. However, the point of the post is that it was fun! I was dreading the day (a bit) because my last time in 5th grade (a different class) went very differently and was pretty much no fun at all. :/ Today was much better! Maybe because of the class, or my confidence, or the fact that I was there all day instead of coming in mid-way though the day. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but I had a good day. Thought I’d share. :)

One kid even said I was the best substitute of all. I’m pretty sure he was sucking up so I’d give him good marks on his behavior sheet, but I don’t care. He behaved well all day and I’ll take the compliment!


I’m getting excited about this teaching idea. Excited and nervous. Last time I tried to find a career it ended before it even began. I hope I make it a whole lot further with this one!

I’ve started telling people. Lots of people. Everyone, in fact. Maybe the more people I tell the more likely it will be to happen. I even asked my principal and one of Lex’s former teachers for references. They both happily agreed. I have essays in the proof-reading stages and references on the way. I need to order transcripts and send the whole thing in. Then hope I’m happy with the decision I’ve made! Eeek!

(This was much longer and more eloquent as I was composing it in my head while snuggling with the kids tonight. However, now, hours later, I’m tired and all eloquence has left the building. Check out the photo in the post below and you’ll understand!)

Real quick…

I’ve been working full-time lately! I just finished my 4th day as the art teacher at school.  It’s fun, but this working full-time thing is for the birds! Here is a quicky of what we’ve been up to:

  • Lex started swimming in the big pool today! Two of his classmates have their lessons in that pool and today he joined them. I’m super excited that he got over his fear of the big pool because he is a great swimmer and the big pool is necessary for continued development. Today he took the plunge and loved it!
  • Eve has started reading to me! I’m so excited! She read all of Runaway Bunny last night, and Hop on Pop, and Freddie and Flossie books. She caught on recently that if she reads to me she gets to stay up a lot later. :) I’ll take it!
  • Alan is prepping for his hernia surgery next week. Logistics are difficult, but it will happen and we’ll all be happy when it’s over. I’m secretly looking forward to a few forced days at home to take care of him.
  • I have decided to apply to the Upper Valley Educators Institute and get my teaching certificate!! I’m really enjoying substituting (some classes more than others, of course!) and the more I think about it the more teaching feels right to me. If all goes well I’ll start in August.

That’s it for now. I’m not working tomorrow, but I am spending the morning with my volunteer family and trying to figure out which of the six things that need be done can I fit into the afternoon before picking up the kids.  Working again Friday for a few hours.  Life is busy, but good!