A bad day for water and electronics

Today has been a very bad day for water and electronics. This morning I took my phone out of my jacket pocket to photograph the beautiful, snowy day (snow! we have snow at last!) and the phone slipped from my hand, right into the snow! I picked it up and wiped it off and thought all was ok, but after I came inside and it warmed up… not so good. We stuck it in rice for 5hrs but when we tried it again it was even worse! Alan said to give it 24hr hours and then we would have to call it dead and get a new one. I think most of you know that I hate dealing with new cell phones! Blah. Just this time last year we went through a ton of nonsense in the process of getting me a new phone (and switching services). Fingers crossed it miraculously works in the morning!

This evening Lex was very excited to use his new bath ball (scented, colored, fun!) in the tub and take his new Aquabots in the tub too! He thought the bots and the blue water would be fun. His Aquabots have been running since Christmas morning and seemed to have bad batteries, so we took them out of the water, dried them, and opened them up… to discover corrosion! That’s not supposed to happen! One was corroded, but the other was ok. We cleaned it up, put new batteries in both, and tried them again. No luck. We worked on it for over an hour but cannot get them moving again. Lex was really, really sad!

Alan announced it was a bad day for water and electronics and perhaps we should all just go to bed. Ok, really I suggested everyone go to bed. :) Tomorrow we’re hoping for an electronic miracle with two swimming Aquabots and one functioning phone! A girl can wish, right?!