Eve’s Birthday Sleepover – Part 2

The sleepover went well. I sent the girls to bed at 8:30pm and they continued to play and be wild. At 9pm I turned off the lights. The silliness continued (in part it was my fault because I provided them with glow sticks!) I was typing last nights blog post and wondering what to do next. What is proper sleepover protocol? Do I just let them stay up until they pass out? Do I insist on quiet? Separate them? Then I realized that it’s my house and I can do whatever the heck I want! I took away the glow sticks and reminded them it was sleeping time. Later I heard crying and discovered that Eve had bitten the one remaining glow stick in the room (bitten?!) and broke it. She had glow stick filling all over her hands, her PJs, her sleeping bag, and her mouth! Normally this would be a panic-inducing moment, but actually it happened once before so I did all the necessary panicking (and Googling) last time, so this time I was calm, cool, and collected. Secretly hoping that Eve’s tears would be the final straw before sleep. But nope, they rallied! :) Finally they fell asleep around 10:45 and I went to bed. Not to bad for a first sleepover.

I was hoping they’d sleep in a bit, but of course, nope! All three kids were up at 6:30am. Alan and I made it until 7:00. Not too bad, right?! :) I made rainbow pancakes and everyone just hung out.


Rainbow pancakes! Yum! 


This isn’t a very good crop and I can’t edit on the computer… and my phone is in the other room… so anyway, Eve and her Girl Scout friend loved the Wizard Of Id comic this morning.

Also this morning I got a text from a friend asking if I could watch her boys for a little while. Sure, I said, why not?! Eve’s friend left, and I had time for a quick shower before the boys came over. Fortunately my kiddos kept it together and played very nicely with the boys. They ended up staying for quite awhile and everyone had fun.


These two decided to start a “Save the animals” club and spent quite awhile making invitations for other friends and making info cards about endangered animals.


Save the Animals.

After everyone left (including Alan who went to the gym), the kids and I crashed. We had lunch and read some Percy Jackson until I fell asleep on the couch. Then the kids retired to their rooms for more reading.


I just want to take a million pictures of this beautiful girl laying in the sunshine.


She made a nest of blankets and read in the sunshine. I love this girl! I can’t believe she’s almost eight!

And so wraps up our first birthday celebration. One down, two to go. :)