The cookies are here!

Eve is doing quite well with her cookie sales. She alternates between totally motivated and totally bored of the whole thing. She was eager to hit a goal of 350 boxes so she could get a little stuffy prize, but got bored and cold (it was cold when we were going door-to-door in January!) and decided 283 was enough. I agreed completely! The cookies came in this weekend and we realized just how many 283 really is!


Counting cookies



Daisy was intrigued.



While Eve was at scouts, Lex and I organized the cookies. I like this bar chart arrangement.




Daisy likes the cookies! Well, the boxes anyway. She is a very happy kitty with all these boxes around.

Today I picked the kids up at school and we delivered teacher orders. Then we went to Alan’s office and delivered work orders. Then we stopped at a friend’s house and delivered her cookie. The kids were all worn out! Eve rallied after dinner and delivered a few more boxes to our very local neighbors. Thursday we’ll be out (weather permitting) delivering around the neighborhood.


This afternoon we delivered to school. Eve had lots of teacher sales. Everyone was happy to see her this afternoon! :)

This is fun, but I’ll be happy when it’s over. :)