Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day

We (I) went a little overboard with Valentine’s Day this year. We made Valentine’s Day Science Kits for each of their classmates. I saw a fun looking project on Pinterest (of course) and the kids thought it would be fun. It was, but a lot of work! And stress (first world problems stress) due to delayed USP shipment. Darn storms in Boston are screwing up deliveries to my house! Sheesh! Anyway, we got it all done this afternoon and the kids were super happy. They are both looking forward to their class parties tomorrow. Lex says in 4th grade you don’t have Valentine’s Day parties, but they do get an extra long snack time and kids are bringing in treats to share. Sounds like a party to me!


Putting together the science booklets.



The Valentine’s Day assembly line begins…



and goes on…



… and on!

We made 60 bags, for Lex’s class, Eve’s class, and my class. I decided not to give them to my students though because as I learned more about the Montessori Valentine’s Day celebration (or lack thereof) I decide these wouldn’t be very appropriate. Oh well. Maybe I can use them next year. :)


Happy kiddos, very pleased with their Valentine’s Day Science kits. I hope their friends enjoy them too.



Valentine’s Day White Chocolate Popcorn. Class party snack, because why not!?

Happy almost Valentine’s Day! This is about the extent of our celebration.