Fun with pipe cleaners

I’m totally behind on blogging. I just took pictures off the camera and there are so many! We have been busy lately! Last week we got pipe cleaners to make gifts for teachers… and to just have fun with. And boy have they been having fun with them! :)

cat toy p1

Lex made a cat toy that Daisy loved!

cat toy p2

He wore Daisy right out!

cat toy p3

Eve made a toy too. Everyone had fun with cats and pipe cleaners.


Once Daisy was all worn out the kids moved on to other things… like halos! :)


And costumes.

Today Eve made herself a pipe cleaner costume. She called herself “Fang Girl” though there were no fangs. Sometimes she seemed like a super hero, but other times she seemed more villainous. You just never know with that girl. We had to run errands and it was Sunday, so the kids went out in PJs. PJs and pipe cleaners. Life with kids.


Super hero / villian / Fang Girl!


Even heros need to run errands sometimes.


Fang Girl battles King Arthur… while waiting for a snack.


Break time for Fang Girl