It’s official – I’m a teacher!

Today was a beautiful example of the saying, “The days are long, but the years are short.”  It has been a long, tough at times year and suddenly it’s over.  Well, almost.  Tonight I graduated from UVEI and officially have my Elementary Teaching certification.  I’m certified to teacher K-8 in the great state of New Hampshire.  In the next week or so I’ll receive my license in the mail, then I’ll turn it around and get my VT license.  Then, maybe, I’ll get a job!

Seriously though, the year has flown by.  Fall in fifth, spring in kindergarten.  Both had their pros and cons, and both were great.  I miss my fifth grade buddies and I know I will miss the kindergarteners as well.  They gave me a sweet book today in which each kiddo had drawn a picture of me and them and written a sentence about what they like to do with me or how they will miss me.  It was very sweet and made me feel very happy and loved.  I have two more days with them and then we’re out for the summer.

This evening was the UVEI graduation ceremony.  Alan and the kids came along to continue their steady support of this effort.  They even put on nice cloths and washed their faces.  Hard work for some of them! :)  I put Alan and the kids in charge of photos and they did a great job.


Everything is better with a glass of wine! :)


My UVEI BFF! This is what we look like to the little ones we teach. :)


Eve and Bitty Baby, sharing a plate of veggies before the ceremony began.


This is my faculty coach speaking and my coaching group. It was a great group and I really enjoyed working and learning with them this year.


We put together a statement about what our aspirations for our students were, then had to read it at the graduation ceremony.


This is what Eve thought of things.


I got my teaching certificate and a family photo. It was a good evening!


Alan entertained the kids with a game of tag while I stood around in high heels and chatted with my friends. He’s a good hubby and daddy!

eve p2

Eve at her finest. :)

Back to school tomorrow for field day… most likely an indoor field day as the weather calls for rain, rain, and more rain.  Lex and Eve had their field day indoors today.

I feel like I should have some eloquent wrap-up for this post, but I don’t.  The culmination to my huge year and I’m off to drink a glass of wine and fold laundry.  Some things don’t change. :)