March Snow

Dear March,

You have done an excellent job coming in as a lion.  Thank you for the wonderful snowstorm.  You gave us a day of dense, packable snow that we used to make snow balls, snowmen, snow penguins, and snow bunnies. 


My little snowmen

mailbox snowman

Lex made a snowman for the mailbox.


Eve wanted a penguin, so we all worked together on that one.

Then you gave us a day with light fluffy snow that made the world look beautiful.  You gave us over two feet of snow that provided me with an excellent workout each day, especially shoveling Wednesday’s heavy snow and then walking through very deep snow to dig out my heat intake thing.  I learned, fortunately not the hard way, that it’s important to keep that thing clear.

front door snow

This snow bank greeted up Thursday morning when we went out to shovel again.

climbing lex

Lex had to climb over the bank just to get out the door.


Notice something different about that car Lex is clearing off? More to come later…


Eve brought Bitty Baby out to play. I’m such a mom (or dork) that I had to stop and put her hood up and fix her jacket.


Eve took a few minutes to recline on the giant snow bank by the tree.


We’ve got a bit of snow out there!


Lex is getting pretty good at helping with the shoveling. He doesn’t love it, but he does it. Sometimes Eve helps too. Today they worked hard to get the end of the driveway clear.

back door snow

I tried to go out the back door today, but no luck. This is what happens when we don’t shovel.


The intake thing is in there somewhere.


Our propane tanks are buried in that mountain. I figured it would be good to dig them out as well. I got the tops cleared off and found we had plenty of propane so I stopped. It was COLD today!

The district canceled school for two days, which wasn’t the best timing since this was my first solo week in kindergarten, but we’re all taking advantage of the break.  Tuesday was a tough day at school and I was ready to lay low Wednesday.  The kids both have colds and we were facing a very hectic week, so your lovely snow provided a forced slow down.  They are both feeling much better this afternoon.

Now that we’ve had this storm, your final hurrah, could you please show us the lamb.  Just last week I taught my kids the saying, “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb,” and as much as we’ve all enjoyed the lion, we are ready for a little lamb.


Winter and Spring table decorations. We just can’t decide which one is appropriate!


Tessa, ready for some sunshine.

Do you think March reads my blog?

The Daddy Unit is Proud

Spoiler alert: if you have not seen Star Trek: The Motion Picture, what’s wrong with you? No, I mean, this will ruin the ending for you if you keep reading.  So, correct yourself by going and watching it now.  It is not the greatest movie by any stretch, and not the best of the ST movies by far, but it gets better as it goes and has a great ending… if you are a space geek. Plus, it is fun to MST3K some of the effects and excessively long fly-by sequences.  Of course, it helps if you are a fan of the original series. That said, if you are still reading, you do so at your own risk.  So, Lex and I cuddled up on the couch and watched it Saturday night, and when the big reveal of V’Ger comes at the end, he nailed it!  I whispered, “There it is! Do you recognize it?” “I don’t think so,” he said. “You’ve seen it before,” I assured him quietly. After many seconds of silence, but well before they showed the tarnished label, he said, “maybe they are just mispronouncing Voyager.” My bursting geek pride almost launched him across the room!  All the pains of parenting are worth it for moments like this.  Of course, you have to be a space geek to appreciate this particular moment, but both of us are, so such things work out well. =)