
Guess what we found in the backyard? Lots
and lots of blackberries! What fun! The kids ate and ate and I
finally went in a got a bowl and we filled that, spilled some,
ate some more, filled it again and finally went inside for
dinner. The kids ate cereal while I made blackberry pancakes.
Then they ate pancakes! What a yummy dinner! (Alan says they are technically
black raspberries, but I’m calling them blackberries

I almost got both of them looking up at the same
time. I definitely got both of them looking


Messy fingers and (not in the photo) scratched arms
and legs.

Eve, where is your pancake? (she practically
inhaled it and then ate half of mine too!)

I’m going to
call this meal a success!

Happy Saturday

We had a fun visit from Jim, Julie, and
Molly today. We went to the science museum and for a walk up
the street. Lex and Eve didn’t nap all day, so things go rough
towards the end, but a good day anyway! I’m tired now, but here
are a few pics :)

Molly likes holding hands. She wanted to hold Eve’s
hand a lot :) This picture made me laugh because I was taking
pictures in front of them and Julie was behind with her camera
and at the museum I made a comment about how we’re acting like
paparazzi… and then I saw the picture and it looks like a
paparazzi picture! Like it could be in a celebrity magazine :)

Watching the train go by.

Eve is a little upset because we aren’t on the
train. I promised her we’d ride next week!

We colored on the floor for awhile. Then Eve and
Molly were laying on their bellies next to each other coloring,
so I jumped up to get my camera. I turned around to find Molly
on her back, coloring on herself, and Eve long gone. This is a
cute picture anyway.

Taking a walk up the street while the boys picked
up dinner. They are very cute little girls


We did some (much needed!) cleaning this
afternoon. Lex and Eve were eager to help. Eve grabbed the
little broom and dustpan and “swept” the floor and Lex grabbed
a damp cloth and dusted! He actually did an awesome job! He
dusted the end tables, the floor lamps, the toy shelves, and
the rocking chair (his idea). Then we went upstairs and he did
the dressers and toy shelves in their room. I did the cobwebs
on the ceiling (eek!)


A successful trip to the dentist

I got a call two days ago reminding me
about Lex’s dental appointment today, the very same appointment
that I apparently never bothered to write down! Good thing they
call! I dropped the kids off at daycare this morning and then
went back at 10am to pick up just Lex. We chatted about the
dentist on the way over and he reminded me that they ARE NOT
allowed to use the loud brush in his mouth and that after he
got his teeth cleaned he would need a sticker before leaving.
He has a very good memory. He opened his mouth for the hygenist
and let her brush. He even let her use the “silly brush” which
is the regular electric spinning brush they normally use with a
more child-friendly top on it. He took a minute to warm up to
the idea, but the hygenist was great and Lex cooperated very
well! Then the dentist checked and all is well. They are still
monitoring that tooth that broke loose a year or so ago, but
the dentist said it was healing nicely. Lex got very excited to
choose a new tooth brush and then got his sticker in the end.
It was great. I gave him big hugs and congratulated him on
doing such a good job. :) I’m super proud of him!


We’ve had a few rough daycare mornings
lately. Lex doesn’t fight about going (he fights about other
stuff instead!) but he keeps saying he doesn’t want to go. It’s
a little sad because he was pretty excited about it for a few
weeks. In the car yesterday morning I told him that daycare was
helping him get more comfortable with people and routines so
that preschool (in about 6 weeks!) would be easier. Instead of
his normal preschool enthusiasm, I got “Oh, mom, I don’t think
I want to go to preschool either.” NOOOO!!!! Sigh. He does like
being wherever he is. :) On the bright side, when I picked them
up yesterday I found them sitting side-by-side in outdoor
chairs, just chatting with each other. All the other kids were
running and playing and they were just sitting together. The
teacher said that they had been like that for most of the time
they were outside. It’s so sweet how much they love and like
each other.