New Years Eve at the bowling alley

I asked the kids a few days ago about what we should do for New Years Eve. Lex reminded me that last year we went cosmic bowling and he suggested maybe we should do that every year. I guess we now have a NYE “thing.” :)

My camera is having issues, ugh!, but here are a few pictures from our rockin’ evening!

eve shrug

Eve's opinion of her bowling skills.

lex won

Lex took the first game. I thought this picture was better than it is!

eve won

Eve won the second game.


Now for the real reason they want to go to the bowling alley.


I think he's a little too big for this ride!

Now Alan and I are going to settle in with some fizzy drinks and a silly movie. Maybe we’ll see the ball drop, maybe not. Happy NYE!


One thing I wanted to do on this blog but never did was make a list of milestones and dates down the side. Something quick and easy to scan. So far hasn’t happened and probably never will. Sigh. Anyway, I do want to keep track of the teeth, in case it ever matters. On Tuesday Lex lost another tooth. That’s five total now. This one was his bottom tooth, just to the right of the two front ones he lost first. He was eating a bakery bagel. Part way through the bagel he quietly tapped me on the arm and handed me a tooth. It was loose, but nowhere near as loose as the top front ones that hung on for so long. They make cute tooth fairy pillows… I was going to post a picture from Pinterest but the Internet is being annoyingly slow tonight that will have to wait for another day.

Mad Libs

For some silliness at snack time we got out a Mad Libs book this afternoon that the kids got for Christmas. They have gotten these books once or twice in the past and never shown much interest, but today it clicked! We went through a bunch of them. Most of the time I did the writing and the kids came up with words, but for a few of them Lex did the writing while Eve and I came up with words. It was fun! I think it would be a great car game. I’ll have to remember for future car trips :)


Mad Libs Lex


Eve got pretty excited thinking up crazy words!

At one point, when asked for an adjective, Eve said, “Love.” I said that’s not an adjective and she said, “‘Love’ means ‘I love you.’ I’m describing you with love.” So sweet!

writing lex

Lex diligently writing the crazy words we thought up.

Christmas 2011

I know you all thought I forgot about this blog. I’m sorry! I’m suffering from a severe case of post-holiday hangover! We have slowly, slowly been putting the house back together, unburying the living room, finding gifts tucked here and there. I had a massive pile by the curb for the recycling truck yesterday. Today I busted out the vacuum cleaner (twice!) and swept the floors. I feel like I can breath again. The family is gone, the chocolate is gone (sent to work with Alan!) and we are starting to find places for things. Alan is back at work and the kids and I are home, trying to clean and not be too crabby with each other as we all suffer through sugar detox together. Good times! :)

I know what you’re all waiting for is the photos, so without further ado…

If this fancy slideshow thing doesn’t work for you, click on the photo below and you’ll be taken to the Picasa album.

1112 – Christmas 2011

Finally, it’s beginning to look like Christmas…

We finally got snow! I guess mother nature was waiting for the “official” start of winter on December 22nd. Yesterday was beautiful. Warm, sunny, birds chirping, kids on bikes…


Riding bikes on Dec 22nd.

Today, SNOW! Not a ton, but enough for now. :) Enough to get out the boots and shovels, enough to build a (small) snowman, enough to look like a white Christmas. Hopefully enough to survive the high 30’s and mixed sunshine day!

I let the kids open a few presents today. We had a pile from Greg and Kathy, and a pile from Jim and Julie. I was waiting for Christmas but decided they would have more fun with, an appreciate more, the presents if they weren’t all piled up on Christmas morning. I let them pick a few today and the rest tomorrow. Actually, I let them open a few presents IF they behaved well at the grocery store this morning. Can you believe, it was an excellent trip to the store?!? I had two perfect little helpers, sweet and nice in every way. Maybe I should bribe them with Christmas presents more often ;)


Presents, presents, presents!

Lex is VERY excited! He hasn't stopped working on this since he opened the present. He keeps saying "Awesome! This is so cool!" :)

Eve loves her portable easel. She went right to work drawing me pictures and we discussed all the different places she could use it.

"This is the most awesome Lego piece I've ever seen!" he declared.

Eve doesn't smile for the camera much these days, but I sneak pictures of her. She packed up her easel to try taking it with her.

Merry Christmas everyone!!