New hospital

We were going to be adventurous with this third pregnancy and go to the smaller, more personal hospital in the area. I’ve thought about it each time, but always ended up at the big place because it just seemed safer. After two easy (if you can say that about L&D!) and uneventful deliveries I thought we’d try something different. Silly me! I’ve gone to the midwives there for a few years now for gyn care and never had a problem, but it turns out that although the midwives are in-network with my health insurance, the hospital is not! Ooops! I assumed it was one and the same, but you know what they say about assuming?! So now, as I send an enormous payment for my 7wk ultrasound, I am settling my mind with the big hospital again. The midwives there are nice, the birthing area is top-notch, the food is available 24/7 (an important criteria for Alan!), and we will be happy there. I called to set up an appointment with them and heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line, and she remembered me! The scheduling lady is Tatha and I think we remember each other with the close and unusual names :) Anyway, next week Eve and I will go in and see a midwife I’ve seen before with my previous pregnancies and hopefully hear a heartbeat this time! So, friends and family, you’ll know where to find my come early November!! :)

One thought on “New hospital

  1. It still hasn’t really hit me that you’re having another baby! Think you’ll have a belly when I see you??? I’m sooo excited. You make the best babies! Hehe

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