From the camera

I have been thinking that there isn’t much blog-worthy stuff going on around here lately, but this morning I took a look at the camera and found lots to talk about! Guess there is plenty of blog-worthy stuff, just not enough blogging!

Lex has been on a drawing frenzy lately and I love watching how his artwork and his stories improve with each one. He came home with half a drawing the other day and said it was for his teacher. He finished it in the afternoon, told me the whole story behind it, and then brought it to school the next day. Here are two that he made for us.

Drawing of Alan's office

A drawing of Alan's office. The word says Mascoma, which is the name on the building. Lex made the picture for Alan to take to work with him.

Drawing of mom and kid playing

This is a drawing Lex made for me. There is a mom and kid playing outside while the dad is inside making lunch. The light blue windows are rooms with lights on, the dark blue window is a room with no light on. The green things are the roof are fallen leaves. I love the detail! The back says, TO TESSA :)

Beautiful Eve, drawing on a sunny day.

Eve at the white board

She wrote her name really well, but scribbled it out before I could take the picture.


The past few days have been cold and rainy, so it’s funny to look at the camera and remember that just a few days ago it was 70’s and sunny! The bike helmets we ordered through school finally came in and the kids were thrilled to go out riding! Yay! Lex refused to wear a helmet last summer and therefore did no bike riding. I was hoping it would be different this year. The first thing he says to me, “I’m a little nervous to go down that big hill,” meaning a VERY big hill with a busy road at the bottom that our 5yr old neighbor rides down, completely out of control and usually crashing at the bottom. It makes my heart stop. I told Lex that he had no need to worry because he would not be riding down that hill for a very long time!! We will be sticking to our safe little street until he is a much more confident bike rider. (and until I am a braver mommy!)

Two babes on bikes

Aren't they cute!?! Eve's helmet is a little big, but I'm not too worried since her bike is pretty small :)

Lex and Parrish

Lex and Parrish



Dressed Doggie
Eve’s doggie made a rare appearance downstairs after she insisted on dressing it to the nines. Undies, skirt, shirt and sweater. I let her bring doggie downstairs to show daddy, and so I could take a picture! She is so proud. :)

Dressed doggie

Silly girls

Silly girls. (see where Eve gets her crazy hair from?!)

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