
The fact that Lex can read is funny sometimes.  Here is a situation that often occurs… When we leave him with someone new (teacher, babysitter, etc.) we tell them that he can read and that he settles himself with books.  They nod and say ok.  Sometimes I try to emphasize that he really CAN read, but other times I just say it and move on.  Invariably, when we get home the person says, “He can READ!”  :)  We always laugh and say, yes, we told you he can read.  I don’t think people really get it until they hear him read.  Sometimes I wonder if people think we are exaggerating, or just don’t fully grasp the idea, or what, but it’s funny how impressed people are when they actually see it!

This post was prompted by the reaction from our new babysitter.  Our old (and only) sitter went away to college a few weeks ago so we had to find a new one.  Always a scary process, for me.  Luckily the kids are awesome!  They were pretty obnoxious for Alan and I today (overtired from yesterday) but apparently put on their A-game for her tonight.  At dinner Lex was flipping through a magazine and apparently read something that shocked her.  She said she figured he could recognize words, but was amazed to hear him sounding out big words.  I think her example was “vinaigrette.” That’s a big word to hear a little boy sound out :)

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