
Yesterday we were in the mood for an art project, but sadly I am way behind on planning art projects. The kids tend to start pulling things out of the drawer and making their own projects. Usually this is awesome. As they were doing that yesterday I finished off a tea box (a BIG one from BJs, one of three that comes in a pack… I love tea.) I thought quickly and turned around to ask if either of them wanted to make a diorama. I had to explain what that meant, of course, and I gave them a few suggestions (beach, party, construction site). Lex said no thank you, but Eve jumped on the idea so I handed her the box and she went to work scribbling all over it. A few minutes later Lex decided he wanted one too (of course) and I quite conveniently had another full box of tea, so I emptied that into a plastic bag and gave Lex his own diorama box. He went to town! Look at what this boy made, all on his own. (Well, I helped a bit when he said, “I can’t figure out how to make the objects 3D.”)

drawing vehicles

Hard at work drawing vehicles.


pose break

Quick break to look out the window and pose for the camera :)


making it 3d

Making it 3D


proud boy

Proud boy! (funny face)



I LOVE this thing! Isn't he amazing?! Look closely at all the detail. The wrecking crane knocking down the building, with pieces of building flying down and pile of rubble below (separate piece in front of building). See the dump truck (back view, yellow rectangle) dumping dirt into a pile and the digger (lower right corner) scooping it up and putting it into another dump truck. He's awesome. He explains it so beautifully, but he wouldn't let me make a video of him explaining it.



Here he is showing me how the wrecking ball is hitting the building and knocking it down.

I love this kid and his creativity!

2 thoughts on “Diorama

  1. Holly mackeral! Alan better get him his own CAD system quick! There must be a system, or software, that would be suitable for him to be able to design whatever he can imagine. They are such amazing kids. <3 endlessly

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