
Big hugs for doggie

Big hugs for doggie

I was all ready to write a sad post today about Lex’s missing doggie. This dog has been with us since Lex was born and has been through a lot! Several weeks ago I even performed abdominal surgery on poor doggie to remove a long-broken music box that was becoming more dangerous by the day. It was as tense surgery (my sewing skills are only adequate!) but doggie pulled through just fine… only to be lost several days later!!! He’s been missing for weeks and I was finally coming to terms with it. Oddly enough I think I was more upset about it than Lex! He moved on pretty quickly to “big dog” (a bigger, shaggier dog we got last year). This morning Eve opened a toy cabinet and found doggie (and his partner in crime, Snoopy Dog) stuffed in the back. Lex was VERY excited to see them again (and I was pretty happy too!) So we are not dog-gone today, just dog-gone cute! (as doggies belly says)

3 thoughts on “Dog-gone?

  1. Pingback: Doggie surgery – round 2

  2. Pingback: A few random photos | Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

  3. Pingback: Doggie gets a nose job | Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

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