Another sick day

Lex went to bed with a low fever, low energy, and spots on his face. (He is cuddling with me right now and reading this post as I type!) He woke up at 1:30am and came in to my room to tell me his ear “felt like it was going to explode.” Ouch! We went into the bathroom where I looked at his ear and touched it. All of which caused him pain. Already at the end of my medical diagnostic abilities, I gave him medicine and sent him back to bed. I went back to bed and started crafting a “today I’m thankful for growing children who can tell me where it hurts” blog post.

He got up with Alan at 5:00am (remember, Alan went to bed early last night too!) and Alan gave him more medicine. When I got up at 5:45 Lex told me he felt great. I was ready to send him to school, until Alan told me about the second dosage. He was still spotted too, although the spots have not changed or increased in number at all.


Sick boy

I kept him home from school and got him a 9:00am doctors appointment. The verdict is not chicken pox, thankfully!, but something called impetigo (the spots) and a big ear infection (the exploding ear feeling). The doctor gave us a prescription for antibiotics and a cream for the skin. After the doctor’s visit we went home for another hit of pain meds and then off to the pharmacy. Lex was happier by then and the kids enjoyed some quality time in the toy aisle. Now that we’ve hit November it seems half the store is filled with toys!


Waiting, somewhat patiently, while I check out at the pharamacy.

After the pharmacy we had a time for a quick lunch at Panera (where I hope we didn’t infect anyone!) and then off to bring Eve to school. She was bounding with energy all day and I felt bad that the morning was quite dull for her. At home I was hesitant to get involved in much because I wasn’t sure where our day was heading (I’m learning about myself that I really, really like to know what the plan for the day is. I’m just more settled that way.) and when we would have to go to the doctors office. Eve was happy to get to school and have her friends to play with. I hope she isn’t infecting anyone now too! The doctor said to keep him home for 24hrs after his first dose of antibiotics and she said it was ok to send Eve to school. So we did.



Lex will be home again tomorrow, then hopefully off to school on Wednesday and 1/2 day Thursday. They have early release Thursday (“I didn’t know Thursday was early release,” he says.) and Friday is Veterans day. He gets a 1.5 day school week this week! :)

Now I’m off to entertain the boy for awhile before we go get Eve again.

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