
I love the games that Lex and Eve have been playing lately.  We play lots of board games, of course, but recently they’ve started making up their own games.  The other day they invented “net tag” (which I would have called “blanket tag”).  The game involves them running around upstairs and “tagging” each other with their baby blankets.  There are complex rules that Lex explained to me, but honestly I don’t remember any of them.  What I do know is that it keeps them busy, and active, and upstairs, for a good long time!  Today they were playing “garbage truck” which involves each of them getting a pile of cardboard cards (that came with the toy garbage truck at Christmas) and then running back and forth between the living room and kitchen.  Again, lots of complex rules about safety spots and whatnot.  I noticed that on each trip into the living room they would tuck one of their cards under the end table.  Perhaps the winner is the first out of cards?  I’m not sure.  Actually, I’m not sure there even is a winner to these games.  It makes me happy to see them playing so nicely together and having so much fun.

Honestly though the “playing nicely together” is hit or miss.  They seem to spend as much time fighting (shrieking, yelling, running) as they do playing.  Sometimes I’m not even sure if they are fighting or playing!  Yesterday Eve came shrieking in to me and started crying about something, with Lex right on her heels.  I found myself saying, “I’m done getting involved!  You two can either play nicely together like siblings, or fight like… well, like siblings <insert giggle as I’m trying to stay serious> Either way, I’m done!”  The both paused, then Lex said “Hey Eve, want to go play net tag?” and away they went, best of friends again.  I love them!

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