
It was 37° and sunny yesterday afternoon so we decided to go outside and play. Crazy weather though, by the time we made it outside (its takes us awhile to prep and bundle!) there were gray skies and snow falling! We played outside anyway. I did some much needed shoveling while the kids puttered about, then we went across the street for some sledding.

king of the mountain

"I'm king of the mountain!" yells Eve, standing atop our broken deck table.

lex sledding

I love the fresh sled path.


This reminded me of a Monty Python scene. Quick, name it!

climbing back up the hill

It looks like such a monumental hill from this perspective. Really the top half is just a snow bank from the neighbor's driveway.

same picture

This is the same scene with different camera settings. It looks like a much nicer day!

snowy lex

Snowy Lex

I’d like to say this outing ended well, but unfortunately I made the grave mistake of forgetting snack before we went out in the snow. By the end Lex was a disaster and followed me home kicking and screaming. I do love putting on a show for the neighborhood. Sigh. After he settled down and had some food all was peaceful again. * Note to self, keep snack bars in jacket pocket for emergency feedings…

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