Deep thoughts

handsome lex

Isn't he handsome? Even with the pouty face. I was following him around all afternoon with the camera, despite his protests.

While we were out riding bikes this afternoon Lex asked me, “Mom, how did the first person come after the dinosaurs if there wasn’t a person’s belly for them to come out of?” Deep questions for an afternoon bike ride! I told him that I would happily explain when we got back to the house. He remembered the question and when we got back he crawled in my lap and asked me again. I explained about the theories of evolution and creationism, and what “theory” means. I told him there are two common theories and some people believe one while others believe the other. When I finished he said, “I think I believe in science.” I never linked one or the other to science, so I asked him which one he thought was science and he said evolution. Mind blowing! He amazes me.

Later, while eating dinner, he asked me why some children are born with autism. I explained as best I could. Then he asked me “Why is the man at school so fat?” Turns out their custodian is extremely overweight, which led us to a long conversation about fat. Personally I’m wondering why the custodians office is always just outside the little boy’s bathroom. Hmm… Anyway, we had a long chat about why people are fat and whether it’s ok to call them “fatso.” Apparently that’s a word he picked up from Encyclopedia Brown. Thanks! :) This conversation hit close to home because I’m feeling fatter and fatter by the day. Damn stress eating! Ahem, but this is not about me, it’s about my extremely bright son and how I hope he does not call his custodian “fatso.” I told him that’s not a nice thing to say and will hurt the man’s feelings. He told me he doesn’t know the custodian and therefore won’t talk to him anyway. I guess only time will tell how this plays out.

In the meantime, here are some more pictures of our afternoon.

Pouty Eve

Eve was singing happily and doing a puzzle, until she saw me with the camera. Then I got this face.

silly on the swings

Silly on the swings

fallen sunflower

This sunflower stalk broke and the flower fell. It was fun to show the kids the seeds and see them understand the link between the flowers and the sunflower seeds they like to eat.

bee on sunflower

sunflower and morning glory

lex again

"MOM! Please don't take a picture of me!"


I think fall is coming. See the trees already turning and the leaves on the ground?

3 thoughts on “Deep thoughts

  1. sounds like an exciting day!
    i noticed you forgot to mention the 3rd bike in the picture, a much larger bike. when did you get that?

  2. Hey Lex. Read, read, read and then read some more and when your done read another book. Anything and everything. You can never know too much. The trick is, as you grow up, learning how to use what you know to help other people’s lives be better. Grammy Lynn and I are so proud of you. We love you and Eve. Thank you both for being some of the sunshine in our life.

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