A day at the airport

The kids ask me, daily, when we can go back to the airport. They want to go back to Logan but I’m not real interested in a 2+hr drive just to watch the airplanes. This morning we went to our local (tiny!) airport to watch some planes. The arrival/departure times listed on the website were wrong, so we ended up hanging out at the airport, having a snack on the runway picnic table, and making friends with passengers. Overall a good morning, I suppose. The kids had fun but still want to go to Logan. Maybe we’ll try Manchester some day. Or try to save some pennies and actually buy a ticket to fly somewhere! I think all of us except Alan would enjoy that. :)

snack time

Snack time at the airport!

making friends

We made friends with a little girl (2.5yrs old!). Her daddy was flying away.

holding hands

My kids decided to go back outside and Lex promptly took her hand and away they went.

the airport

Finally a plane came in!

watching the plane

We went inside to watch the plane boarding. Small plane and small airport, but you can't get this close to the action at Logan!

2 thoughts on “A day at the airport

  1. Watch your local papers for a ‘fly-in’ breakfast. The local airport (Sidney) has them a couple of times a year. You get a pancake breakfast, and pilots will take you up in Cessnas or Piper Cubs or other small planes….for a fee. Good fun!
    Much love, Mema

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