A few pictures

I’m not feeling very verbose at the moment (very tired instead!) but here are a few pictures from yesterday and today that I wanted to share. It has been nice settling back into a routine with the kids. I feel like we’ve been so super busy these past few weeks that the whole family is a bit out of whack. I’m working now on getting us all back on track… in time for school next month! :)

green beans

Lex got green beans from the plant he brought home from school! He even shared one with me. Yum!

pumpkin plant

He also brought a pumpkin plant home from school, and it's flowering. I hope we get a pumpkin!


The peas are growing strong.

why i garden

This is why I garden. He won't touch veggies on a plate, but fresh from the garden... he eats them up!

sunflower house

Our sunflower house is growing well this year, but we seem to have a back door as well as a front. But the morning glories are growing and vining and I think we'll have at least two solid walls. Maybe next year I'll be in charge of the planting. Or maybe not!

swing set

I'm thinking hard about replacing the swing set next summer. Something bigger and stronger because these two (and our neighbor) are getting bigger and stronger!


We found a bird's nest on the ground. I love how it has so much bark from the nearby birch tree. Eve was VERY concered about the baby birds and had trouble believing that they actually flew away and didn't fall with the nest.

silly faces

The kids have suddenly gotten camera shy, so we were being silly this morning and I was trying to get them to let me take pictures. This is the best I got :)

Hartford Hotel

Lex woke up this morning with a plan in mind. It started with a sign (paper, markers, glue, popsicle stick), then a chair, and a parking garage... that's when I took this picture. He is in the living room right now building the hotel on top of the chair. Apparently there is an airport behind it. I love when he is so certain about his plans.

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