Where did the weekend go?!

I have about 15 minutes before Lex will be up and about a hundred things to do, but I wanted to take a few minutes for the blog. Priorities, ya know!

We have been very busy these past few days. Actually, probably just busy, but I am very sick so everything I do feels like it takes three times the effort. Ugh! All week we’ve been gathering and pricing for our yard sale. Five families at my house, my neighbor at her house, and then two more families around the corner. A big event! Lots of advertising, sign making, and coordinating. It was hot and sunny all week, beautiful. We decided to have a lemonade stand and sell cookies to keep the kids busy. I was going to use their little picnic table, but Lex said “That’s not a lemonade stand! We need to find a box…” and went from there. I followed his instructions and we came up with this:

cookie sign

Lex wrote the cookie sign

lemonade sign

Eve wrote the lemonade sign (with some spelling help from me)

lemonade stand

Lemonade stand! I could not get them to pose with it, but you get the idea.

Friday night everyone came and loaded up my garage and we all hemmed and hawed about the rain predictions for the weekend. It was late though, and everyone was tired, so we just crammed it in there and called it a night. I really wanted to go back out after the kids were in bed and do some rearranging for the morning, just in case, but I felt miserable and barely got the kids in bed before passing out myself.

Saturday morning came (not so) bright and early, with heavy rain coming down. Ugh! We ate a quick breakfast and then went out to rearrange the garage as best we could. People showed up way too early, of course, and dug through boxes and looked around. The very first thing that sold (at like 7am) was an old heater grate that’s been in our garage since before we moved in :) The guy paid a dollar for it and it’s probably some awesome antique. The next few hours were spent wet and busily rearranging and better displaying things as best we could as things sold. I was surprised at how many people came out in the rain.

rainy garage sale

I didn't get a chance to take a picture until towards the end of the first day. The women in the back were both part of the sale, not shoppers. It was nice to have other people there so I could take care of the kids and whatever.

The day went ok, we had a fair number of shoppers, and when we closed the doors at 2pm we were feeling ok. Among this chaos Alan and I also managed to get the Subaru to the shop where we learned it needs a new axel or something expensive, ugh! Alan had to take off in a hurry Saturday afternoon so they didn’t get a chance to fix the car, but they said it’s safe to drive. I hope! There’s just one more thing on list of things to-do.

Sunday came and it was rain free. Hallelujah!! The kids and I went outside for breakfast. I opened the garage doors, but we didn’t get shoppers quite as early. I guess the die-hards are only out early the first day. We got a lot of traffic Sunday though and overall it went well.

Breakfast on Sunday

We went out bright and early on Sunday. Had breakfast at the picnic table, read the comics on the lawn. It was peaceful, as Lex so sweetly pointed out.

Eve samples the goods

Eve took it upon her self to sample as much as possible. Many small toys got rides in this wagon, she enjoyed a princess scooter for awhile, loved that tiny hat she's wearing. The funny thing is they were all baby toys, since everyone there was getting rid of baby stuff. Eve didn't seem to mind.

Lemonade stand

On Sunday we got out the lemonade stand! They were so excited... for about a minute, then realized that neither of them actually wanted to approach people and talk to them. Oh well. The kids all enjoyed cookies and lemonade :)

moving into the sun

As the day progressed, we slowly moved things further and further out of the garage.

Towards the end it was beautiful and sunny and all the people participating in the yard sale and all the kids were just hanging out on the lawn, chatting and drinking (spilling, playing in, wearing) lemonade. It was like a big playdate :) Lex made a new friend. A four year old girl, who has an almost three year old sister. We’ll probably do some playdates with them later in the summer.

New friends

Lex and his new friend

This took way longer to write than I expected, but Lex is happily testing all of my pens on a piece of paper next to me, so I’m going to keep going for another minute and do some complaining :) Just kidding. Sort of. I went to the doctor today. Eve had a fever on Thursday and took a long nap (5 hours!) and woke up feeling good, but then Lex and I woke up Friday with fevers. He took a nap (for the first time in awhile) and woke up feeling great, but Eve didn’t nap and I didn’t nap, so while they both felt great Friday evening I started feeling worse and worse. Sore throat, headache (since last Monday actually!), fevers, sweats, chills, etc. I didn’t know what to do so I just popped Tylenol like candy and powered through the weekend. This morning my headache was less and the fever was gone, but my ears were hurting so I called the doctor. I CAN NOT be sick on Wednesday! I am a busy person with places to be, no time to be sick! So we went in, did the whole checkup, etc., and got a diagnosis of strep, mono, or viral. The quick strep test came back negative, but the doctor said it looks EXACTLY like strep. Feels like it too. He sent for a longer strep test and a mono test as well. I should hear back on those in a few days. He also sent me home with penicillin. We had a nice long chat about Vegas and he said it’s ok to go and hopefully the penicillin will help me feel better by then. If it turns out to just be a viral thing then it will clear up on it’s own and I’ll stop taking the meds. Ugh! I want to be well!! Right now I should be packing and planning and preparing my family for five days without me (think they’ll survive?!?), but I can barely think straight.

Alan and I are going out tonight for a date and some shopping. He said we could cancel if I wasn’t feeling up for it, but I said, “Hmm… dinner at a restaurant or home bathing and putting my kids to bed…?” Easy choice.

I’ll try to post again before I leave, but I’m not taking my laptop to Vegas, so if you don’t hear from me, that’s why!

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