A better day

Guess what? I did not yell at my kids today. Not once! Yay me! :) Sorry for the rant yesterday. Today was much better. Still hot, but it seems the monster has left the house.

We spent the morning with some friends at a state park we’ve never been to before. They had a great playground and a nice nature trail. I mentioned the nature trail to Lex on the way there and he was super excited. I said I didn’t know he liked hiking on trails and he said “I think I like it. I don’t know. I think I’ll try!” I wish he’d do that with food too! Turns out he loved the hiking. We also saw some guys working with some heavy machinery. They were pulling a new log jam across the lake near the dam. It was cool. They gave the kids long pieces of rope, which the kids loved and dragged through the woods with them :)

on the nature trail

Walking along the nature trail. Eve got pretty tired, but they all had a great time.

snack time

Snack time! Can't hike without snacks, right?

Then we headed up to the dam itself to take a look. I did my best to explain it and the park ranger came out to answer questions for us. It was a lot of fun. And it wore them right out!!


A view from the dam.

bridge to the control tower

Walking on the bridge to the control tower.

washing feet

The kids always wash their hands when we get home. Today Eve decided to wash her feet too.

We spent the afternoon gathering items for the yard sale. The kids “helped” and argued over which toys to sell. Lex wants to sell everything (well, lots of stuff anyway!) and Eve doesn’t want to sell anything. She even argued over the grown-up DVDs that she won’t be watching for many years! Silly girl. Then, to top off my day, I went to the salon to get a hair cut (all of them really!) and then did some shopping while Alan put the kids to bed. Yay Alan! :)

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