What makes the wind? Why does it blow? These are the questions Lex asked me this evening as we read bedtime stories. One of his books mentioned “suddenly a gust of wind came” and apparently it brought with it a few questions. My answer… “That’s a very good question and I’m not sure of the answer.” Tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation and we will be hitting the Google machine to answer that question. Who needs school when you have Google and an inquisitive child?!? Oh wait, we do, otherwise he still would hide from grownups and have no friends. Ahh… school :) Seriously though, today was his last day of pre-k, which I guess makes him officially a kindergartener now?!? He woke up happy and had a good day. The teachers loved their gifts (of course!) and Lex told me at pick-up that he would miss his teachers the most. Now we are going to enjoy a summer with few plans. A trip to the country, a trip for mommy to sin city, and lots and lots of pajama days. Although… after declaring tomorrow a PJ day, Lex said that he was thinking about trying on a few new shirts for summer. Imagine that?! Keep your eyes on future photos to see if you spot new shirts :)