Where will you be next Tuesday?

I will be at the dentist with a drugged up little boy having a tooth removed.  Yep, removed!  Poor boy.  Remember awhile back when I was doing daycare and Lex and a little girl were wrestling and he cracked his chin on her head, resulting in an emergency trip to the dentist (his first trip to the dentist!).  At the time they thought the roots were damaged, but it seemed to get better over time.  Well, I guess not.

Lex woke up Saturday morning saying his tooth was sore and he’s been on a self-prescribed “soft foods” diet all weekend. This morning I dropped him off at school and came home to call the dentist.  I was hoping for a nice afternoon, post-nap appointment, but no luck.  Apparently during the school year their afterschool hours are booked months in advance.  My options were 10:30 this morning or sometime next week.  This morning we were also expecting a Sears service guy and we had Eve’s first day of gymnastics.  Busy!  Alan skipped out of work to pick up Lex, we swapped kids in the parking lot of the dentists office and I took Lex for his appointment while Alan and Eve went home to meet the Sears guy.  Lex did an AWESOME job at his appointment.  He opened his mouth for the dentist, sat still, and even let them take an x-ray!  I was very impressed.  Then the dentist showed me the x-ray, which showed a clear Y-shaped crack in his tooth.  Bummer!  The dentist gave him some antibiotics to reduce the swelling and infection and schedule us for extraction next Tueday.  So far Lex is pretty cool with things, but I can’t imagine he really understands what’s going to happen.  I think he’ll be a little surprised to find himself missing a tooth next week.

The dentist also gave me a preview of the grown-up teeth queuing up and he said most likely we’ll be facing further extractions to make way for them.  Apparently Lex has large teeth and small jaw.  Hmm… sounds familiar.  I think everyone in both side of this family has/had dental issues, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if Lex and Eve find themselves with less than perfect teeth.  Sigh.  I’m not ready to think about dental work yet.  What happened to my babies??  Where did they go?!

3 thoughts on “Where will you be next Tuesday?

  1. Bless his heart! I was wondering which one was going to get my mouth. At least he want have a mouth of jumbled teeth to grow up with. Thank God we were finally able to fix Mandy’s mouth.
    Love. Grammy Lynn

  2. Hopefully, they can make room before his teeth start coming in full force, so he won’t have to endure the hell other kids might put him through. Make sure he knows that his Aunt Mandy is the expert of messed up teeth and that I’m happy to help him really understand what’s going on.

    Oh, and make sure u have Kimball’s ice cream on hand to make frappe/milkshakes with for him. I will bring some up later this week for him if u want. I swear to God that is the best healing stuff goin’. Just let me know his fave flavor.

    Aunt Mandy

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