The downside to be a working mommy

Lex came into my classroom this afternoon looking a little peaked. I asked how he was doing and he said fine. His usual answer. I told him he didn’t look fine, and he said he was fine except for how his body felt. Poor guy. He clearly had a fever. I made him rest in the library while I went to a (interesting, but sad) parent meeting. When I got done (I only stayed for half an hour), I found him wandering around the library with his arms pulled into his shirt, shivering. We headed home. He perked up a bit over snack and spent most of the afternoon sitting at the table reading Calvin and Hobbes comics to me. After shower he snuggled with Alan and they watched a show. By the end he was clearly feverish again and barely moving. We gave him some Tylenol and put him to bed. If he’s still sick in the morning Alan is going to work from home, which is great, but really I want to be the one home with my sick boy. Is that selfish? I want to cuddle him and feel his forehead and make sure the world is gentle for him. Alan will do fine, I have no doubt, but I want to be there. Sigh. Just a minor downside to being a working mom. However, we are fortunate that the working dad has such a flexible schedule!

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