We went to Franklin a few weeks ago. Life in the country was nice, but it got busy again quickly when we returned home. Hence my way-delayed post! Here are a few photos at least. As always, it’s beautiful out there!
Walking to the waterfalls, a first for these two.
Alan did the walk barefoot, then washed his feet in the frigid mountain stream.
Smiley boy
I didn’t even remember this rock wall was back there! What a fun rediscovery.
Looking back toward the road.
Time for a power-up snack before heading back up the hill!
Eve collected lady bugs all week.
Alan, setting a good example for the children on the playground.
Like father, like son!
The safety see-saw.
Unless you use it this way! This only lasted a minute before they bonked heads and both fell off.
Hay bales! He ran back and forth over these for a long time! Nature’s playground.
At the top of the world!
Posing at the rock quarry.
Eve found “house parts” and brought them home to make a collage.
This guy really liked our bright blue car. Sadly he left streaks of white all down the side.
Interskate 88 has changed A LOT since I was a kid!
Accidental matching early in the morning.
“I want so show you something so pretty it makes my heart sing that spring is here,” said Eve, asking that I join her outside. On the way she pointed up and said, “The sun is one thing!” When we arrived at her intended destination, she proclaimed, “The shimmering, sparkling water is so beautiful!” She is so poetic. The photo doesn’t do it justice.
Heading home. Dinner at Bob’s Diner.
Looks like a little photo shoot. All great shots. Smiling cuties!