Happy 7th to Lex

My baby turned seven today! Seven! You’ve come a long way baby! Recently I was telling him how lucky I was that he came along and made me a mom. I was a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a friend, but the day he was born I became a mother. A very fortunate mother, at that!

Now, seven years later, he is a strong, confident little boy. Succeeding in school, making friends, standing his ground, learning and teaching every single day. I am so proud of the person he is becoming. The son, the brother, the friend that he is.

We started our morning with a few presents and some pancakes. A good way to start any morning really.

birthday morning

A little something for the birthday boy. I like them to have a little something first thing in the morning. :)

bouncy ball

This is an awesome bouncy ball that has glittery stuff in it and lights up when it bounces. Everyone was entranced with it!

He opened his presents very slowly and carefully. Eve wanted him to tear it off, but no.

Lex: I’m trying not to rip the paper.
Eve: Why?
Lex: Because you never know when you’re going to need a piece of wrapping paper.



I got him this Lego man shirt! :) I also got him the ball and two books. One called Science Rocks that he seems to love. :)



Then Lex was off to school with his cookies in hand (well, in box, then in hand). He was so excited! He told everyone on the way in that it was his birthday. Yesterday two of his classmates had birthdays so it has been a birthday week for his classroom. They all coordinated on the treats. Yesterday one kid brought cupcakes and the other brought ice cream, and today Lex brought cookies. When we walked in the whole class was bouncing and eager for a peek! :)

When I picked Lex up from school we had a conversation that cracked me up. It went something like this:

Me: Did everyone like the cookies?
Lex: Yes! Calvin wanted one with a mustache. (Calvin was very excited in the morning to see the mustached cookies.)
Me: Did he get one?
Lex: No.
Me: Why not? Is there a mustached one in the box? (we didn’t pack all of the cookies)
Lex: Yes, there are two. They are both still in the box.
Me: Why didn’t Calvin take one of them?
Lex: I handed them out. “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.” That’s what I told the kids.
Me: HAHAHA (Seriously. Right out loud in the school parking lot.)
Lex: What’s so funny?
Me: You knew he wanted a mustache one and you didn’t give it to him?
Lex: Well, it’s my birthday and I was handing them out and I said, “You get what you get and you don’t get upset.”

The kid is hysterical. He doesn’t at all understand why I think this is funny. I’m sure he just went around the room and handed each kid a cookie. I’m sure the process was much faster than having the kids all dig through the box to find the one they want. I’m sure it was his birthday and he was probably doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing. I still find it hysterical!

When we picked up Eve all of her classmates said Happy Birthday to Lex and we brought her teachers (his old pre-k teachers) some cookies too. I think the teacher likes him. They had talked about it being his birthday today so all the kids knew. :)

Then home to pick up Don and then off to visit Grandma. The visit was nice, but brief because the kids were wild and I was quickly overwhelmed.


Hugs with grandma. I couldn't get everyone looking in the same direction. Like I said, it was wild over there!

Our plan from there was to go to Panera Bread for dinner, but Lex decided he’d rather go home. I think maybe it had something to do with the fact that Eve had told him FedEx brought him a birthday present today. She really thought it was from FedEx. “How do they know that today is Lex’s birthday?!” she asked me. Kids are awesome.

So instead Alan and his dad went to pick up Panera Bread take-out and I took the kids home to open FedEx presents, which turned out to be an awesome Batman Lego set from Uncle B. Lex took the fastest shower ever and was right back in the living room ready and eager to build the Batmobile!

lego lex

The Batmobile!

At dinner silly me thought it would be fun to put candles on his bagel, no singing, of course. The idea was a bust and left him in tears on the floor. Bad mommy! You’d think after all these years I’d learn! So we removed the candles and enjoyed our take out dinner. Then more Lego building, stories with Eve, cake decorating, and off to bed. It was a wild day. The first of several.

I now have two cakes decorated in the fridge. Lego party goody bags packed and ready to go. Party games prepped. Nothing left to do but clean! Blah! That will be tomorrow morning. I’m a last minute cleaner. No point doing it earlier because it just gets messy again anyway! :) A family party tomorrow. A friend party on Sunday. I think I’d better get some sleep now!

Happy Birthday Lex! You’ve come a long way!

baby lex

Baby Lex

big lex

Big Lex

3 thoughts on “Happy 7th to Lex

  1. What an action packed day! sounds like youve got an even busier weekend.

    Hugs to everyone! i love and miss you all SOOOOOO much.

    Happy 7th Birthday Lex! Cant wait to see you at christmas lil guy.

  2. Pingback: Party time, Lex style! | Calm and Chaos: Life with kids

  3. We have Spot It too, and love it-Avery is crazy good at it! We had birthday stuff this weekend too-can you believe it’s been 7 years?! Avery’s was an Art Party at Purple Crayon-fun!
    I don’t know who hosted the Parenting on Track Hanover workshop but I do know 2 people who took it, after the fact. I’ll drop them an email and ask them to get in touch with you. Tim and I just did the Couples weekend last weekend and it was very good. She just makes sense to me! Lots about power struggles that couples get stuck in… making road maps. Anyway, it was very worthwhile! See you around, Leah

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