Kill and Guns (what are words I’m not ready to deal with yet?!)

Lex went back to school today after being out sick for most of last week.  He probably could have gone back Friday, but I decided to keep him home and let him fully recover before going back.  He’s mostly recovered now, still has a runny nose, though that will probably last all winter :(

Over the weekend he made a K’Nex car (he makes LOTS of them!) and told me that the wheels of this particular car could kill any bad guys that got too close to it.  I was a little surprised by this since he’s never made a killing machine before.  I asked him if he knew what “kill” meant and he said no.  He also said he got the idea for the car from a book we borrowed from the library (bad mommy for not better vetting the library books!)  The book talks about robbers who steal from carriages.  They carry a pepper sprayer to stop the horses, an ax to break the carriage wheels, and a blunderbuss to frighten the passengers.  The book doesn’t talk about killing, but apparently he deduced that.  As much as I hate that he’s thinking about such things I know it’s bound to happen sometime and I tried to take the opportunity to talk about killing and death.  Yuck.  Then he changed the car to have wheels that “capture bad guys and bring them to the police.”  :)  He’s still such a baby!  Or not.

Tonight he made a K’Nex gun!  Eeek!!  It was a “fire sprayer gun” and he started shooting it at Eve.  Needless to say I put a halt to that!!  We had another conversation about death and killing and I told him that he can make guns, but he may not point them at people.  Ever.  Ever.  He argued that it’s just a K’Nex toy really and I held my ground.  I told him that he can make guns and not point them at people, or he can choose to not make guns.  He threw his toy at me.  We had a rough night.  Sigh.  I think back to school took it out of him!  Fortunately bedtime was smooth and quick.  Maybe he’ll wake up a little boy again and not be interested in guns for another million years!  Or not.

2 thoughts on “Kill and Guns (what are words I’m not ready to deal with yet?!)

  1. Hate to tell ya this, but “guns,” “killin’,” and the like r coded in a gene on the Y chromosome. LOL It’s just a neat trick of good parental guidance that those things r tempered with wisdom, good judgment, and a sense of compassion.

    He’ll be fine, and so will the world. LOL

  2. It’s deja vu all over again! And he learns this kind of play in school, not from library books you didn’t prescreen for him. When the wild boys play in school, the whole pack learns new things they never heard at home before. Let the games begin!
    Love and hugs, mema

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