Gingerbread treats

Yesterday I had a rare day at home. Almost spoiled by a last minute (8am!) call from the principal asking if I could sub. I said yes, then no, then felt like a crazy person, but settled on no because I was really, really looking forward to a day at home. It’s been awhile!

I got caught up on a few things, but mostly spent the day preparing this:

gingerbread surprise

A gingerbread surprise to welcome them home.

Making the dough, rolling, cutting, baking, preparing icing, gathering toppings… all for a sweet surprise for my little ones. I also made salad and exercised, to somewhat balance out the sugary day.

The kids were THRILLED when they came in the door! They did their after school jobs lightening quick and were decorating in no time. :)

Eve, just getting started.

Eve, just getting started.

Lex at work.

Lex at work.


What a sweet table! :)


It got a little messy. I was really glad I thought to give them trays to work on!

eves bag

Eve made a bag on her gingerbread baby. Of course, with the way she creates, by the time she was done decorating it you could no longer see the bag. :)


Cookies galore!


All done! It took us all afternoon, but we all had fun.

We decided that we didn’t need 41 heavily decorated gingerbread cookies in our house (ok, that part was my decision!) so we packaged them up with a gingerbread poem and a holiday greeting and brought them to school this morning.

packed up

Gingerbread boys and girls headed off to school!

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