Company picnic

Some other kids (that we know) brought these floats. They let us borrow them when they went up for lunch. There were a ton of awesome photo ops when I was out swimming with the kids in the deep part of the pond, but when we got back to shore and I got the camera the ops just didn’t happen. Oh well.

We swam while everyone else ate, and by the time we came up for food the catering company had left! Good thing the menu was all steak and lobster so I came prepared with pb&j. Also good thing they left the iced tea and lemonade beverages (and beer, of course!) and the cookies. We were all set.

Then back to the fun in the sun! Lex wanted to play volleyball with these boys but he wasn’t brave enough to speak up (and he doesn’t know how to play!) so he hovered and watched until they left, then he asked me to play with him. :)

Just playing with the camera. It’s like a superhero shot!

We got home in time for showers, a few minutes of quiet time, and family meeting, now we’re all crashed in the living room watching Colbchella ‘012 Rocktaugustfest. Colbert entertains our whole family. I think we’re having cereal for dinner. Happy Saturday.

2 thoughts on “Company picnic

  1. Those are some great ops. And you’re still a very needed momma, I love that he was too shy so he asked mom after they all left. You’re awesome!!!!

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