I think I have the messiest craftiest children ever! This is a good thing, I know, because their brains are active, but so are the scissors, tape, and scraps!
They are currently working on a 3D paper railway, much like his paper race cars and paper airline. I can’t find a link so apparently I haven’t blogged about his paper airlines yet. He has two separate paper airlines and an airport!
Now they are working on trains. He made a few trains over the weekend and some tracks connected with metal fasteners. Today I found some empty Lipton tea boxes (I drink it by the GALLON!) and they both decided to use them for stations.
When it was time to clean up she switched games and announced, “Let’s pretend I’m your maid!” Um, ok! Turns out she is a very good maid! She cleaned up all the scraps (with marginal help from Lex), swept the entire kitchen/dining room floor, and helped Lex clean up his mess in the living room. Then she wanted to vacuum! I told her it was dinner time and invited her to join us “since my daughter is at a sleep over party tonight and won’t be joining us for dinner.” The game continued through dinner and afterwards she jumped up and headed for the vacuum cleaner! While Lex took a bath, Eve vacuumed the office and half of the living room! She did a pretty decent job of it too. The game ended when she wet her pants and I made her get in the bath. :)
The freshly clean maid decided she should spend the night here, in my daughter’s princess bed, so she could finish vacuuming in the morning. Sweet! The best part is she doesn’t even ask for payment! I do love my daughter but I sure hope this maid sticks around for awhile! :)