I left my computer on last night because I have lots of windows open and didn’t want to lose my places (birthday party planning in action!) When my computer is on it’s like a light and I am the moth. No matter where it is or where I am, I’m drawn to it. Hence the reason I normally leave it off when the kids are around.
However, this morning it’s on and I’m sitting at my desk, lost in the Internet. Eve is on the floor playing with a puzzle behind me. Just now I said, “I’m not doing a very good job paying attention to you this morning sweetie.” She replied with, “It’s ok, I’m not doing a good job paying attention to you either.” I guess we’re even then. :)
I’m going to attempt to disengage from the computer now and go exercise. Continuing to ignore my daughter. Sigh.
I actually ended up doing a series of Hulu exercise programs with Eve right by my side. It wasn’t the greatest workout ever, calorie-wise, but it was fun and we were together. Well worth it.