Splash, splash, splash

We finally got Lex a pair of rain boots
and he loves them! We actually had one of Alan’s coworkers get
them for us because his son had a great pair and we couldn’t
find any at the stores we frequent. He lives about 45 minutes
away and I guess they got them at a local farm store. So he
grabbed us a pair too. The first time I let Lex wear them we
were outside for about an hour and a half and he splashed for
most of that time in a huge puddle in the neighbor’s driveway
(with all of the little neighborhood boys). When we came in he
was soaked from the waist down!! So much for the boots.

This morning it was rainy and chilly, but Lex
decided he absolutely had to go outside. I was on the phone and
he said “want go outside” and tried to put his shoes on. Then
he got frustrated because he can’t put his shoes on by himself,
ran over to the window for a minute, then came back and tried
to put his boots on :) Gave up on that and decided to go out
without footwear. Fortunately the door was locked (he can open
the door to the garage on his own now) and deadbolted (though
he can now reach the deadbolt, so it’s just a matter of days on
that…) When I got off the phone I gave in and we went outside
(I’m strong when he throws tantrums, but when he is clear,
decisive and articulate I usually give in easily :) ). We spent
20 minutes walking up and down the street (didn’t actually
leave our property line though!) splashing in the puddles and
checking out the storm drain. It’s amazing what entertains a
toddler. He had a blast. I wished I’d brought my camera
outside, but alas… maybe next time.

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