Big changes

Farmer in the Dell

Ok, not a change,
but fun anyway. Lex likes signing The Farmer in the
. This morning I sang it and Lex did his
little dance thing and Eve grinned. At the end I said, “I think
Eve likes that song.” Lex said, “Do it again.” So I did. This
time Lex sang with me (so cute) and Eve cooed a few times, like
she was trying to sing along. We sing it a lot and often I make
up funny words (for example: daddy goes to work, mommy stays at
home, lex stays with mommy, eve stays with lex). One day I was
singing “daddy takes a shower” (we were all upstairs) and then
Lex sang “shower takes a wife” :)

that he is two years and she is two months, we decided to make
a few changes around here. Two worth mentioning:

Back to

Friday afternoon we rearranged his nursery with
several goals in mind (1) get climb-on-able furniture away from
the skylight, (2) move the crib so it’s easily seen from the
door, and (3) make the room “new” in an effort to get Lex back
into the toddler bed. The whole time we told him that Eve needs
the crib now and he gets to sleep in a fancy big bed. Oddly
enough, it seems to have worked. We don’t put him in the crib
anymore (not for bed, naps, or so-sads) and it takes him awhile
to fall asleep (and several trips up on our part) but he
eventually does. Not surprisingly he has emptied his drawers
several times and frequently gets up to bring a toy into his
bed, but he eventually falls asleep. Very surprisingly… he’s
fallen out of the bed several times! He never did that before
and I don’t know why he’s doing it now. When he falls out he
cries and we go put him back in the bed, but there’s really no
harm done since he’s only falling about 6″! Today I put Eve in
the crib when Lex took his nap and asked him to be very quiet
so she could sleep. It was cute and he did a good job of being
quiet. They are both up there now too and he’s still awake but
being mostly quiet :)

New Me
decided that after two months of my free-wheeling “eat too much
and move not enough” lifestyle it was time to get serious about
baby weight. It’s amazing how little baby
weight you loose when baby is born. I don’t think I even lost
8lbs when I delivered an 8lb 3oz baby! Since I was still
carrying baby weight from Lex when I got pregnant with Eve I
think I’m now carrying more baby fat than both of my babies put
together. Blah!! So I decided to reel things in a bit and move
towards a “controlled eating and exercise” lifestyle. As you
all know, there’s really no fun in that! Friday went well,
Saturday sucked and I was starving (not literally, of course)
all day, but today has been ok. I’m sure (I hope!) it will get
easier as my brain and body adjust to less snacking and smaller
portion sizes. The snacking is the hardest part really,
especially with kids, because it’s so easy and tempting to grab
a handful of Goldfish when I’m getting some out for Lex, or to
finish a bagel that he didn’t eat, or whatever. I also busted
out the Tae-bo videos again. Lex loved doing (sort of) yoga
with me when I was pregnant so I thought he’d like Tae-bo even
more… but no such luck. Not sure why but it kind of freaks
him out. Maybe the louder music or more bouncing around or
something. I don’t know. He keeps asking to do yoga though :)
When I finished Tae-bo this morning I put in the yoga DVD and
we did that for awhile. He was much happier then :) Silly

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