We took the kids to their first ever live football game! Our first ever Dartmouth game. It was fun. We met early for tailgating (in NH, with kids, funny!) and then headed to the game. Everyone was excited and every had a great time. Today I’m thankful the weather held out and we were able to enjoy this fun experience with friends!
Tailgating NH style... lots of coats and hats!
The kids wore themselves out playing football before the game.
Our friend Bill brought the serious equipment! He made various meat products and deep fried tortilla chips. They were yummy! We brougth homemade pretzels and Three Sisters Chowder. That too was yummy! :)
At the game
At the game
The four year olds had a great time together! (I tried, but could not get a picture of all three of them looking and smiling at the same time!)
When they got tired of bouncing in the stadium we took them over the bouncy house to use up more energy. I swear kids have an endless supply!
My boys had a great time! :)
We got home at 5pm, ate dinner, then early bed. Eve was passed out by 7pm, with Alan and Lex shortly after. :)