Quick update

I wonder how many of my posts have that title? I should look that up some day. We spent a lovely few days in Franklin visiting the family last week. I have tons of pictures of campfires and birthday cupcake cones and demolition derbies… but my camera card was usurped (I wonder if that means what I think it means?) by my lovely sister and now it’s in the mail, hopefully on it’s way to my house. Pictures will come later this week.

Upon return we unpacked then repacked the car and headed south to celebrate Mandy’s birthday at a cool campsite on a lake. The kids splashed in the water and marveled at the audacity (big word day) of someone daring enough to throw a paper plate into the campfire. They ate ice cream and I ate rice crispy treats (for the first time in eons!) and we all went home wired. Good times.

Monday we crashed. Alan took the Prius (with the car seats) to work so we were housebound, which was my goal for the day. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming (well, thoughts of vacuuming anyway!) and general R&R took place.

Once my mind started to settle it occurred to me that we only have two weeks left until school starts and the kids need backpacks! I also need to book travel plans for DC next month. In other words, once my mind started to settle from the past week, it immediately switched to the upcoming weeks. Better late than never, right? :) So we are online backpack shopping (I’ll probably throw some school clothes in there too) and someday soon I’ll be motivated to book travel arrangements.

Most importantly this week I’m focusing on me. Yep, me! And my godforsaken plan to reach my WW goal weight this week or run the CHaD half marathon on Sunday. Yep, craziness is my motto. I have one pound to go and, with a Thursday morning weigh-in, a day and half to get there. I’ve been staying within points (mostly, despite all the travel and birthday celebrations) and exercising every day. Yesterday and today Alan agreed to put the kids to bed so I could do an AM exercise and then a PM run. Insane! I’m trying to pretend I did not eat rice crispy treats (although I’ve mentioned them twice already so I guess my denial isn’t working) and delicious dark chocolate covered almonds I bought “for the kids” this morning. Sigh. Wish me luck, with losing a pound or running a half marathon! (that’s 13.1 miles for those who don’t know, and there’s no way in hell I can actually run that!)

Now I have to go make a shopping list, take the monkeys shopping this afternoon (Eve decided to take a nap today so she’ll be raring to go!) and hope the cleaning fairy visits my house while I’m away! :)

2 thoughts on “Quick update

  1. Good luck with everything..the mail arriving quickly, the shopping being peaceful, the last pound melting away and the thing about the cleaning fairy- whatever THAT is!
    much love-

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