

Twins? I can see why people might get that idea.

I regularly get asked if my kids are twins. It happened at the science museum this afternoon. We were eating lunch (under the fancy new pavilion!) and a nice man came over and asked if the kids were twins. I said no and gave my usual half-hearted laugh and explanation that she is just tall for her age. Then taking a guess I asked if his kids were twins. Yep. They looked nothing alike and were only barely the same size. I would never have thought they were twins. Funny how people often think Lex and Eve are though.


Lex insisted on one of just him alone. In fact, the "sitting on the earth" photo shoot was his idea and Eve elbowed her way into the first shot. :)


The mud table. Eve's favorite outdoor activity here. She will stay put for as long as I let her, building sand houses and islands and creatures and whatever else her imagination comes up with.


Where's Waldo?
The place was packed today! Camps and daycares and tourists, oh my!

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